From the capitol: Housing, public safety, and a chance to share your opinion

Friends and neighbors,

Please kindly take a moment to read this week’s email update. I have introduced legislation focused on affordable housing and making our public roadways safer by improving government contract policies. I’ve also co-sponsored property tax exemption legislation introduced for senior citizens and veterans. Finally, Rep. Kilduff and I are inviting you to join us for cocoa h and donuts this Saturday.

Addressing affordable housing by providing sales tax exemptions

It is no secret that Washington is struggling with affordable housing and the lack of housing for low and moderate income households is a crisis. Too many families cannot afford a home to call their own—not due to their own economic status, but the lack of housing stock in our region. That is why it is crucial that self-help ownership developers are able to make affordable homeownership a reality for Washingtonians.

Self-help homeownership developers and facilitators are non-profit organizations that build homes and then sell them to low and middle income families with unique financing plans that work within a family’s budget. I introduced legislation (HB 1168) to give these non-profits tax exemptions on sales and use tax and on the real estate excise tax they have to pay. These tax exemptions can help non-profits improve the affordable housing crisis and offer families the chance to improve their lives.


A faster cleanup response when storms strike

Many of us were affected by last year’s windstorms, or even the snowstorm earlier this week. Storms can knock down trees or branches, create obstacles in roadways, and in general make just getting around our local communities unsafe. I introduced legislation (HB 1359) to give counties, transit authorities, and water districts more flexibility to contract out that type of safety work by eliminating the need for a new bid every time a cleanup service is needed. This simple, common-sense bill should help keep our roadways clear and make county roadways safer.

Real property tax relief for senior citizens and veterans with disabilities

Did you know that there is a property tax exemption program for senior citizens and veterans with disabilities? Not many people do and the exemption has certain income limits that are flat across the state and not adjusted based on county. In some counties, the $40,000 income threshold is realistic, but in other counties, the average income is much higher and the threshold does not work.

Senior citizens and veterans with disabilities need to have a reduction in their property taxes and the current exemption should be more flexible by county. I have co-sponsored several bills to change the threshold from the current $40,000 to be based on average income in the county, so more Pierce County residents can make use of this important deduction.

In the meantime, you can still apply under current law for a property tax exemption by visiting the Department of Revenue site.

The Washington State House of Representatives Housing, Community Development and Veterans Committee meets on January 23, 2019.

Cocoa, donuts, and your government

Please join Rep. Kilduff and me at the Top Pot Donuts in University Place (3555 Market Pl W Suite 1, University Place, WA 98466) this Saturday from 9am-11am. We will be having a donut and cup of cocoa and hearing from you and your neighbors about concerns, ideas, thoughts, or just what you think we should be focusing on in Olympia. I plan to hold more of these small group gatherings and discussions throughout the year and hope you can join us for our first in 2019.

Please reach out to my office if you have any questions or concerns. It is my honor to serve you!
