From…my home! Resources and support while we are all staying home, staying healthy

On Monday night, Governor Inslee issued his “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order. This is a massive change to our daily lives and in addition to previous orders, severely restricts our ability to work, travel, go to school, attend social gatherings, and more. While that is difficult for us all, it is absolutely necessary for us to keep each other healthy.

Graphic showing the difference between uncontrolled transmission and using protective measures such as social distancing to lower and delay the epidemic peak

So, what does “stay home” mean? Are you locked inside for the next few weeks, chained to your couch? Thankfully, no. We all need exercise, fresh air, and the essentials, like food and prescriptions. The governor’s office provide some great guidance on their COVID-19 resources website here: What does it mean to stay home.

Of course, staying home for long periods of time can be hard, physically, emotionally, and financially. The state COVID-19 site has a page with answers to general questions and resources about how you can stay home and get the assistance you need.

Resources for those in need due to COVID-19

Photo of pharmacy workers taking calls and filling prescriptions

Because grocery stations, convenience stores, gas stations, and pharmacies are still open, there’s no need to go buy out the store and hoard supplies. Those are considered essential services, along with the food chain workers and suppliers, and many others. You can learn more about essential services that will remain open here.

Of course, if you are struggling due to cutbacks or layoffs at work, there are options available to you. In addition to food banks remaining open, you can see available state programs listed here You can also see if your school district is serving free meals, as many are here There are also senior centers, Meals on wheels programs, and local food banks with home delivery services for seniors and people with disabilities.

For our Veterans looking for information or assistance

There are a lot of veterans in our community who may also be feeling the impact of COVID-19. I want to make sure you have information, either for yourself or a loved one who is relying on certain services. Please share this Veterans’ Affairs blog post with links to resources and helpful information and tips.

The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs is also providing updates to family members and representatives of residents at Veterans Homes in the state, and have a Frequently Asked Questions guide up at their website here.


There are tough days ahead of us, but together we can weather this storm together. Please reach out to my office if you have questions or need help connecting with resources.

It is an honor to serve as your representative.