Update from Olympia: committees, priorities, bill highlights and more

Dear Friends and neighbors,  

I am honored to continue serving the 28th Legislative District neighbors and communities. I am eager to share my priorities and the initiatives I will be focusing on as session moves along to enhance the well-being of our community. Find out more details about my priorities in this short video. 


Committee Assignments 

This session, I am privileged to serve on the following committees: 

  • Appropriations Committee: Overseeing the state’s operating budget and ensuring fiscal responsibility.
  • Capital Budget Committee: Overseeing the state’s capital budget and ensuring fiscal responsibility.
  • Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee: Focusing on higher education and workforce training programs.
  • Rules Committee: Helping to decide which bills get sent to the House floor for a vote.
  • Joint Committee on Veterans’ and Military Affairs: A joint House/Senate body that works on bills that support our past and present military folks as well as their families. I serve as Co-Chair on this critical military-connected committee. 

Upcoming Town Hall 


I love talking to community members and I am excited for you to join me as I host a district Town Hall at the beautiful Steilacoom Town Hall (1717 Lafayette St.) on Saturday, March 15 from 10-11:30 a.m. This is a time to connect with community members, answer your questions, and discuss the issues that matter most to you across the 28th. This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts, learn about the latest legislative updates, and hear about the work being done on your behalf in Olympia. 

Bring your questions, concerns, and ideas—your voice matters! We hope to see you there! Have questions you’d like to submit early? Use this link: Questions for Town Hall. 

Fighting for Families, Safety, and Economic Growth

This year, I remain committed to championing policies that improve the lives of working families, enhance public safety, create economic opportunities for all, and address our critical housing shortage. These include: 

  • Investing in Education, Postsecondary Education & Workforce Development – Supporting policies that expand access to postsecondary education, apprenticeships and job training programs to get workers trained and address our significant workforce shortages.
  • Public Safety & Community Well-Being – Strengthening protections of our neighbors whether it’s against organized retail theft, ensuring law enforcement has the tools needed to keep our communities safe, increasing penalties of endangerment from fentanyl and ensuring behavioral health support, addressing community safety regarding sexually violent predators, and much more.
  • Military and Veteran Support – Advocating for solutions that provide better support for those who serve and their families. 

Highlight: Andrea Smith Hudson Act: Honoring a Legacy of Service 

Seattle TimesI’m incredibly proud to support the Andrea Smith Hudson Act, a bill that will address the alarming rise of speeding related fatal crashes and injuries on our Washington roads. This legislation reflects our commitment to ensuring safety on our roads and hold folks accountable for speeding.

Read my Op-ed | View the bill page Read the Seattle Times Editorial Board piece 

Highlight: Tackling Organized Retail Theft 

retail theftTo address the growing challenge of organized retail theft, I sponsored House Bill 1276, which increases penalties for large-scale retail theft operations. This bill will help protect businesses, workers, and consumers by ensuring stricter consequences for offenders who engage in high-value theft schemes.

In the News

The following are links to recent news coverage about some of my priority bills: 

Your voice is essential in shaping the policies that affect our community. I encourage you to reach out, attend upcoming town halls, and stay informed about our progress this session.

Thank you for your continued support and advocacy. Together, we can build a safer, stronger, and more vibrant Washington. 

It’s an honor to serve you.  

Warm regards,

Leavitt sig

State Representative Mari Leavitt
28th Legislative District