Traveling Safely this Time of Year


Many of us spend significant time on the road during the fall and winter seasons. Whether we are traveling to visit family during the holidays or enjoying a night out with friends, it is important to be safe.

Emergency preparedness is critical before you get behind the wheel in case you become stranded. Fortunately, the Washington State Department of Transportation has a valuable checklist that can help prepare you for seasonal travel.

Roads can also be subject to closure due to hazardous weather conditions. While this is especially true when crossing the mountains, last year’s blizzard showed us that inclement weather can affect western Washington as well. WSDOT has a helpful system for tracking travel alerts, including road closures. Find out more at

Safety is important during this time year when the weather is frequently unpredictable. Please be careful, stay safe, and–of course–never drink and drive.

Thank you and safe travels,

Rep. Dave Paul
(360) 786-7914