Media Advisory: 10th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall

WHORep. Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) of the 10th Legislative District, which covers Island County, and parts of Snohomish and Skagit counties.

WHAT: A live Telephone Town Hall event.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 4th, 6:00 – 7:00 P.M.

WHERE: Your own home! Our automated system will call out to landlines in the district. All you have to do is accept the call and press *3 to ask questions.

Call In: (877) 229-8493 PIN: 118321

Sign Up: If you don’t have a landline, you can sign up to be called when the event begins here,

WHY: Learn about what’s happening in Olympia, share your priorities with me, and most importantly ask questions. Tele-town halls are a great way to share your thoughts and questions with me, all from the comfort of your living room.