Helping Students Get a Jump Start on College and 10th District Town Halls

10th District Town Halls

On Saturday, March 23, I will join Rep. Norma Smith (R-Clinton) for a pair of in-district town halls. We will be updating you on developments from the legislative session and answering your questions. We look forward to seeing you there.

Helping Students Get a Jump Start on College

Students shouldn’t have to take on enormous debt in order to attend and graduate college. That is why I sponsored legislation to create a pilot scholarship for dual enrollment programs like College in the High School or Running Start. These programs are often a fraction of the cost per credit than regular college classes. Students who get college credits during high school can also graduate earlier and get into the workforce much sooner.

In spite of these savings, many families cannot afford to enroll their children in these programs. HB 1973 takes a step toward helping low-income families access these cost-effective programs for their children. This is a creative and cost-effective solution to help students graduate sooner and with less debt. This means family-wage jobs, better financial stability, and a stronger economy. Reducing college debt and creating better outcomes for our students are two of my top priorities here in the legislature.

I am proud to have sponsored this legislation, which passed the House of Representatives last week. HB 1973 now heads to the Senate for consideration. It was the first bill I passed a member of the legislature.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to my office at any time. You can reach me at, or by phone at 360-786-7914.

Thank you,




Rep. Dave Paul