10th District Lawmakers To Host Town Halls | February 13, 2020
WHO: State legislators for the 10th Legislative District; Sen. Ron Muzzall, Rep. Norma Smith, and Rep. Dave Paul. WHAT: 10th Legislative District Town Hall WHEN: Saturday, February 22 WHERE: 10:00 – 11:00…
House passes Paul bill to expand access to benefits for veterans and their families | February 13, 2020
OLYMPIA –On Thursday, February 13, the Washington House of Representatives passed legislation sponsored by Representative Dave Paul, D-Oak Harbor, to expand access to certain benefits for veterans and their children….
Halfway Done and Town Halls | February 8, 2020
Friends, The short legislative session is halfway over. In order to ensure that we can finish our legislative session on time, the Legislature has several deadlines that bills must meet…
10th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall | January 31, 2020
Friends, I’ll be hosting a live Telephone Town Hall on Tuesday, February 4th at 6 PM. The Telephone Town Hall will be a chance to ask me questions about the…
Media Advisory: 10th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall | January 30, 2020
WHO: Rep. Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) of the 10th Legislative District, which covers Island County, and parts of Snohomish and Skagit counties. WHAT: A live Telephone Town Hall event. WHEN: Tuesday, February 4th, 6:00…