Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in Olympia. As your state representative, I have been working tirelessly this session to turn our community’s hopes and priorities into real action. I’m happy to report that many of the bills I’ve sponsored and co-sponsored have cleared their policy committees, a critical first step toward becoming law. Each of these successes is fueled by your stories, concerns, and support. Together, we are making a difference.
Legislative Wins for Our Community
Your advocacy and dedication have led to several key legislative victories advancing beyond their original committees. Here are some highlights of bills we’ve moved forward to improve lives in our community:
- Supporting Our Veterans. I prime-sponsored House Bill 1102 to expand the Veterans Service Officer program statewide, ensuring veterans in every county can access the benefits and services they deserve. In the same spirit, I co-sponsored HB 1106 to extend tax relief to more disabled veterans by lowering the disability rating threshold for eligibility. Both measures passed out of committee, bringing us closer to repaying our veterans for their sacrifices.
- Pioneering Clean Energy. To secure a sustainable future, I introduced House Bill 1018, which adds fusion energy to the types of clean energy facilities eligible for streamlined state certification. This forward-looking bill positions Washington as a leader in groundbreaking fusion energy innovation. I’m proud to share it passed its policy committee with bipartisan support and has already passed the House, moving us one step nearer to a cleaner energy future.
- Leading on Responsible Technology. In an era of rapid technological change, I’m championing accountability in artificial intelligence. House Bill 1168 demands transparency in how AI tools are developed, and House Bill 1170 requires clear disclosure when content is AI-generated. These first-in-the-state proposals – which have advanced out of committee – are about trust and fairness in a digital world, ensuring technology serves people, not the other way around. I recently appeared on Inside Olympia to talk about AI policy. Click below to watch.
- Lowering the Cost of Living. This continues to be a core focus including affordable housing, health care affordability, and tax relief & financial assistance. Affordable Housing: co-sponsoring House Bill 1040 which excludes up to $6,000 of rental income in calculating eligibility for the property tax exemption program. Health Care Affordability: co-sponsoring House Bill 1589 which protects patients from surprise bills like unexpected out-of-network medical bills. Tax Relief & Financial Assistance: primary sponsoring House Bill 1165 which expands our state’s senior, veteran, and disabled property tax exemption program so more stay in their homes.
- Ferries, Strengthening the Workforce. As the prime sponsor for House Bill 1167, this forward-looking legislation strengthens the ferry workforce pipeline and improves recruitment and retention of ferry workers by expanding maritime career training opportunities – a long-term investment in ferry service stability.
Each of these wins reflects our shared values – from caring for veterans and families to embracing innovation, protecting our environment, expanding housing, and easing the cost of living. I will keep pushing these bills forward through the next steps until we can celebrate them becoming law.
Leadership in Action: Education Committee & House Floor
Serving in Leadership Roles this session allows new tools to advocate for you. I am honored to be elected as Assistant Speaker Pro Tempore of the House. In this role, I help lead the House by presiding over floor debates and ensuring that each session runs smoothly and fairly. By sharing the responsibility of the gavel, we make sure every voice is heard and every issue receives respectful consideration. This position isn’t just about parliamentary procedure – it’s about standing up for the values of civility and respect in the legislative process.
At the same time, I continue to focus on policy as Vice Chair of the House Education Committee. In this leadership role, I often share the gavel during committee hearings, helping to guide discussions on improving our schools and colleges. From this seat, we’ve been working hard to advance legislation that gives every child a fair chance to succeed. We’ve heard and moved forward with ideas to support student mental health, expand career and technical education, and provide early education opportunities. Chairing portions of these hearings has allowed me to elevate your concerns – whether it’s fighting to reduce opportunity gaps or pushing for resources for our local schools – and turn them into actionable policy. I take this responsibility seriously, knowing that the decisions we make in the Education Committee will shape the future for our children.
These leadership roles – both on the House floor and in committee – mean long hours and great responsibility. But I embrace them wholeheartedly. They amplify your voice in state government, whether managing debate on a crucial bill or fine-tuning education policy in committee.
Gratitude and Ongoing Commitment
All of these accomplishments are truly a team effort. I want to thank you for staying engaged and making your voices heard. Every time you write an email, call my office, testify on a bill, or speak up at a town hall, you help shape our legislative agenda. Your stories and ideas were in the hearing rooms as I advocated for these bills. Thank you for your passion and partnership. These victories belong to you.
I am energized by our progress, but I know our work isn’t finished. There are more hurdles ahead, and not every bill makes it through the process in one session. I will keep fighting for the issues that matter most to you. It is an honor to serve as your state representative, and I remain deeply committed to fighting for you each and every day.
Always at Your Service,