Dear Friends and Neighbors,
As your representative, I am working every single day to deliver real, meaningful change for our community. The challenges we face – rising costs, unreliable ferries, gaps in veteran services, lack of educational opportunities, and more – require bold action and unwavering commitment. We don’t have the luxury of waiting for change. We must drive it forward with urgency and determination.
This session, I continue to lead efforts to lower your cost of living, fix our ferry system, expand opportunities for our students, and ensure our veterans get the support they deserve. Many of these bills represent first-of-their-kind solutions that will make Washington a leader in these critical areas. Some have already passed the House and are now in the Senate, while others are heading to the House floor for a vote soon.
Here’s where we are leading and why these bills are groundbreaking and long overdue.
Lowering Your Cost of Living in Property Taxes (HB 1040 & HB 1106) and Health Care (HB 1589)
The cost of living in Washington continues to rise, making it harder for families to afford housing, healthcare, and essential services. I am taking proactive steps to put money back in your pocket and ensure that essential services remain accessible and affordable.
To lower property taxes, I’m proud to cosponsor House Bill 1040 which helps eligible seniors and disabled homeowners keep their homes. If these homeowners earn any rental income – say by renting out a spare room or an accessory dwelling unit – up to $6,000 is excluded in the property tax exemption program.
I’m also proud to cosponsor House Bill 1106 expanding property tax relief for disabled veterans. By reducing the disability threshold to 20% disability, thousands of veterans will become eligible for this tax exemption. I’m committed to lowering your property tax – and look forward to voting on both bills on the House floor soon.
To lower health care costs, I’m proud to be one of the few cosponsors of House Bill 1589 which – for the first time – requires insurers to follow “good faith negotiations” when contracting with providers. In other words, we are protecting your access to doctors and therapists by empowering small healthcare practices. This is a major shift in healthcare that levels the playing field between large insurance and small group/individual providers. This could become a model for contract fairness across the nation.
Expanding Career & Technical Education to 6th Grade (HB 1280 / SB 5358)
One of our most exciting education initiatives this session is House Bill 1280 / Senate Bill 5358, which will bring career and technical education (CTE) into the sixth-grade curriculum. This bill is a first-of-its-kind effort in Washington to introduce students to hands-on career skills at an earlier age – and I’m proud to have introduced it.
Right now, many students don’t encounter CTE courses – like coding, woodshop, agriculture, or robotics – until high school. By then, many kids have already lost interest in school or continue having trouble finding their passion. This bill tackles this problem by engaging students in middle school, better preparing them for the jobs of the future and addressing our workforce shortages.
This bill is poised to make Washington a national leader, inspiring other states looking to boost career readiness. Every child deserves the chance to discover a fulfilling career path. With this, we are making that change a reality.
The Senate passed its version of this bill with near-unanimous support – and I look forward to leading on this in the House.
Supporting Our Veterans with Veteran Service Officers (HB 1102)
I’m proud to introduce House Bill 1102, a groundbreaking piece of legislation that significantly expands our state’s Veterans Service Officer (VSO) Program. VSOs are trained professionals who help veterans navigate the complex paperwork and processes to claim benefits they have earned (disability compensation, pensions, GI Bill, survivor benefits, etc.).
Key provisions of HB 1102 include:
- Proactive Outreach. The WA Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) must contact newly discharged veterans – within 90 days of leaving service – to inform them about available benefits and resources.
- Expanded VSO Coverage. Counties with no VSO or very low benefit participation are prioritized for new VSO positions.
- Accountability and Transparency. WDVA must report every two years on veterans’ service in each county – helping tracking progress and ensuring the program is reaching veterans.
This bold initiative is attracting attention as a potential model for veteran services reform nationally. By setting a goal to have every county exceed the national average in veteran benefits, we are making sure not a single veteran gets left behind.
HB 1102 passed the House floor near-unanimously and heads to the Senate.
Leading on Washington’s Clean Energy Future (HB 1018)
House Bill 1018 is a cutting-edge bill that positions Washington at the forefront of fusion energy development. Fusion is an energy source that promises unlimited, carbon-free power. This bill, in practical terms, means if someone wants to build a fusion plant, they can go through a one-stop state permitting process like wind, solar, and other clean energy facilities.
We are breaking new ground – with this bill, we are solving the riddle of environmental protection. After decades of being a science fiction dream, fusion is real with Washington-based companies pushing forward and building prototypes. Few states have done anything on fusion legislatively, and I’m proud to have introduced HB 1018.
Last year, I introduced Washington’s first-ever fusion clean energy bill – and HB 1018 reflects our vision for a cleaner, future-ready Washington. With a near-unanimous vote in the House, this bill heads to the Senate.
Fixing Our Ferry System (HB 1167 & HB 1923)
I’m proud to introduce House Bill 1167, a forward-looking education bill that broadens career pathways for students in the ferry workforce. By integrating the maritime profession into the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program, this bill exposes students to hands-on learning in ports, vessels, and maritime facilities. By connecting education with economic opportunity, HB 1167 is a transformative bill for our ferry workforce. The bill unanimously passed out of the House and heads to the Senate.
I’m also proud to cosponsor House Bill 1923, which encourages passenger-only ferries in Washington. This “Mosquito Fleet Act” can be life-changing for communities by cutting long car commutes, reducing traffic, and creating a more reliable ferry system. With bipartisan support in the House, this bill now heads to the Senate.
In-Person Town Halls on March 22
I would like to invite you to a pair of in-person town halls on March 22. The first will be held at 12:00 p.m. at the Whidbey Island Nordic Hall in Coupeville. The second will start at 4:00 p.m. at the Civic Garden Club in La Conner. I hope to see you there!
Working as Hard as Possible for You
I am fighting day in and day out to pass these important, significant bills because I know how much they matter to you. From fixing our ferry system and lowering the cost of living to supporting veterans and the environment, these bills are designed to make a real impact on our daily lives.
But we can’t stop here. We still need to push these bills across the finish line. Some have passed the House and are in the Senate; others are up for a vote soon – your support matters. Your voice matters.
I will keep working as hard as possible to ensure your needs are met, your voice is heard, and our community thrives. Thank you for trusting me to be your advocate in Olympia. Let’s keep moving forward – together.
Always at Your Service,