House passes Springer bill to allow fundraising by public hospitals
OLYMPIA—The House voted unanimously today to pass a law proposed by state Rep. Larry Springer that would give public hospitals clear legal authority to accept gifts and engage in fundraising....
Springer idea could slash Kirkland annexation costs
OLYMPIA—Counting the people who will be added to the City of Kirkland by the June 1 annexation of the Juanita, Finn Hill and Kingsgate areas will cost Kirkland taxpayers an...
Springer calls for protections against abuses of eminent domain
OLYMPIA—State lawmakers should prohibit government from seizing private property and transferring it to developers in order to boost economic development and tax receipts, witnesses told the House Judiciary Committee today....
House Democrats: Deputy Majority Leaders to focus on top agenda areas
OLYMPIA – On the first day of what most observers believe will be a very challenging Legislative session, House Democrats elected two Deputy Majority Leaders to coordinate and focus caucus...
Time to raise fuel efficiency standards
Our changing climate, the hundreds of billions of dollars sent overseas to pay for imported oil, and the devastated shores of the Gulf of Mexico and the Kalamazoo River are...