The 2019 Legislative Session has begun!

Dear friends and neighbors,

This week marks the beginning of the 2019 legislative session, and I am honored to represent the residents of the 48th Legislative District in Olympia. I look forward to serving our community and representing our shared values in the legislature this session. I am pleased to announce that I will serve as Co-Chair of the Finance Committee. I will also serve as a member of the Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee and Consumer Protection & Business Committee.

Swearing in

Most Washington State Legislature diverse on record, including women of color

The Washington State Legislature welcomed the most diverse cohort of elected officials in state history on January 14, 2019. The 2019 Legislature includes a female majority in the House Democratic Caucus, with women of color serving in the ranks of both the House and Senate leadership. I am honored to serve with this incredible group of women! Washington currently ranks fourth in the nation in terms of gender parity in the state legislature. When our elected officials look like the communities they represent, our government can better address the diverse needs of all people across Washington. I look forward to collaborating with my colleagues to address the critical issues facing our families and communities in our district and across the state.

Swearing in with family

I was excited to celebrate being sworn in as State Representative with my family and friends.

2019 Legislative Priorities

In addition to working on my own bills and prioritizing progressive policies, I will work with my colleagues to advance specific House Democratic Caucus priorities, a few of which include:

  • Supporting Washington’s clean energy economy through elimination of coal-fired electricity and the transition of the state’s electricity supply to one hundred percent carbon neutral by 2030. I am passionate about funding projects that protect our natural environment and preserve Puget Sound including:
    • Supporting the policy recommendations of the Southern Resident Orca Task Force.
    • Strengthening our communities through emergency preparedness, including mega fires and mudslides.
  • Reducing preventable gun violence by restricting access to high-capacity magazines, keeping confiscated guns from crimes off the street, and require reporting of lost and stolen firearms. Our children need to go to school to learn in a safe place which is why I am supporting legislation to improve school safety.
  • Improving availability of affordable housing by increasing density, especially along transit corridors
    • Many churches have excess property that can be used to create housing for families. I am sponsoring legislation that will allow faith communities to house people on their property.
    • Currently the real estate excise tax (REET) can only be used for infrastructure projects such as, sidewalks, streets, and parks. I am supporting legislation that will enable REET to be used for affordable housing.
  • Restructuring our regressive tax system: I am currently reviewing proposals for a capital gains tax. I would like to tax the people and corporations who are not paying their fair share under our regressive system while protecting small businesses.
  • Supporting working families, seniors, and small businesses, through debt reform and improving property tax fairness especially for families and seniors on a fixed income.

Let me know what is important to you

Your opinion matters to me and I want to know what is important to you. Stay tuned for my next e-newsletter where I will ask you to share your priorities with me. My door is always open and I look forward to hearing from you. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas please email me at or call my office at (360) 786-7848.

