Dear friends and neighbors,
Here is a quick update about what we have been up to in Olympia the last few weeks.
Affordable housing and homelessness
Homelessness can happen to anyone. We know there isn’t a singular cause to homelessness and it looks different across the state. No single solution alone will fix this crisis. We need to build a diverse tool kit.
The immediate need for many people living unsheltered is safe shelter to recover from substance use disorder, trauma and other behavioral health problems and rebuild their lives, and there are many working families on the Eastside one financial crisis away from losing the roof over their heads. Our seniors are struggling to age in place and 85 percent of City of Kirkland employees are living in other neighboring cities.
I am looking into a variety of affordable housing and homelessness solutions this session, including making sure people with moderate incomes are able to find an affordable place to live near work and transportation options.
48th Legislative District town hall, Feb. 22 in Redmond
Paper free office policy and Public Records Act update
![]() My office receives a lot of information and I appreciate that those who come to visit during session work hard to create printed handouts on what issues matter to them most. However, electronic communication is the most efficient way for me to read and review legislative agendas and priorities. We’re doing our small part to conserve precious natural resources by reducing our paper use. Additionally, with the recent state Supreme Court ruling on the Public Records Act, all legislative offices are still developing the appropriate infrastructure and processes to fully comply. Having electronic versions of your legislative agenda allows me to quickly access it from my phone or laptop, wherever I am, and to share with my colleagues when needed to advocate for our shared priorities Please send any informational materials, inquiries or invitations to or That includes legislative priority lists or agendas from your organization. We appreciate your willingness to assist in our transparency efforts. |
Comprehensive sexual health education prevents abuse
February marks the beginning of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Over the past several years, the #MeToo movement has changed the national conversation around sexual assault and consent. Sexual assault and harassment starts early. One in three young people will experience dating violence and our young women are the most at risk.
Comprehensive sexual health education with affirmative consent curriculum (House Bill 2184) could help fix this problem.
By providing age-appropriate, inclusive and culturally relevant curriculum in our schools, we can ensure that all children have the same consistent information, no matter what their background is. Washington’s youth deserve sexual health education that provides them with medically accurate information about affirmative consent, healthy relationships and reproductive health that sets them on a pathway to success.
If you, or a young person you know is struggling with dating violence you can contact National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline at 1-866-331-9474 for help.
Know the signs
Most sincerely,
Rep. Amy Walen