Rep. Wylie’s Update: I-5 Bridge / Join the call / New agency / Business licenses

Dear neighbors,

Along with multiple negotiations and meetings, this week the House began hearing Senate bills and vice versa.

On the I-5 Bridge Project front, I am happy to report that the hard work of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, and the active support of so many business and local leaders has both my own and Senator Cleveland’s companion bill moving forward. Your Clark County Delegation continues to work together to serve both the region and our own districts.

I am grateful for the collaboration and hard work of my colleagues. Monica Stonier continues to be a force to be reckoned with on education and has been an enthusiastic team member in the bridge. Paul Harris, Brandon Vick, Lynda Wilson, Ann Rivers and Annette Cleveland have all been part of the team effort. We are a group of leaders that are learning about each other’s districts and working well together.

This week, our efforts received even more endorsements from our local elected city and County councils, our ports , Identity Clark County and the Columbia River Economic Development Commission. They have written strong letters following votes and joined the many individual businesses that have offered their support and help. Make no mistake, there is much hard work ahead. But we are already looking for innovative ways to keep track of interested parties, inform the public, and address our current and future transportation needs.

Telephone Town Hall Tuesday evening

New agency to focus on children, youth and families

Right now, services for children and families span several state agencies, and no one agency has responsibility for improving outcomes for children and youth. Too many children are falling through the cracks of our child welfare systems. That’s why House Democrats voted to pass House Bill 1661 earlier this week.

The legislation builds on the success of the Department of Early Learning and merges multiple departments serving children, teens and families into a single agency that emphasizes prevention and is accountable for improving outcomes for children and families.

The best time to reach children and youth, who are most at risk of factors linked to negative outcomes later in life, is before a crisis occurs. The Department of Children, Youth, and Families will help to shift focus away from providing a service during a crisis and, instead, provide a continuum of effective services that help kids thrive throughout their childhoods and beyond.

Small business licensing simplified

Many small businesses in Washington state operate in multiple jurisdictions. For some, such as those that make deliveries, that means acquiring a business license in each of the cities or towns in which they operate—even if it’s a single delivery.

This often translates into hours of paperwork and research to maintain compliance. Wouldn’t that energy be better put toward growing business operations instead of government bureaucracy?

I’m proud to report that mine was one of the 96 votes that sent a bill to fix this issue over to the Senate.

House Bill 2005 will create a streamlined process for small businesses to receive a city’s license from the Department of Revenue, increasing compliance and saving time, without burdening city and town governments.

I hope our colleagues in the Senate also support this bill and deliver it to the governor’s desk.

Ask Sharon

This week I responded to a couple of e-mails regarding the Levy Cliff and yes, the bridge.  Click on the image to watch:

Thanks for reading this short update, and please keep your feedback and questions coming. I hope you’ll join us on the call next Tuesday.
