Rep. Wylie’s Update: Net Neutrality / Video Update / Long-Term Care

Protecting Net Neutrality and Internet Privacy

I co-sponsored a couple of bills to protect net neutrality and consumers’ internet privacy in our state.


House Bill 2282, would ensure that under the state’s consumer protection authority, Washington would continue safeguarding net neutrality for consumers even if these protections are rolled back by the federal government. Specifically, the bill protects consumers from:

  • Blocking of lawful content by internet service providers;
  • “Throttling,” or slowing down, of lawful content by internet service providers; and
  • Favoring of certain content over others by internet service providers due to special deals (“paid prioritization”)

The other measure, House Bill 2200, would prevent Internet Service Providers from using customers’ private information – such as browsing and search history – to market to them without their consent.

This bill passed the House three times last year on a strong bipartisan basis, only to fail to advance in the Senate. With the new leadership in the Senate, the chances of its success this year are much better.

I am committed to protecting both our privacy and access to the tools of the 21st century.

Watch my Video Update


In my latest video update, I talk about two of my bills: House Bill 2646 recognizing transportation projects of statewide significance, such as the I-5 bridge, and expediting their completion. And House Bill 2290, which will simplify the process for city utilities to dispose of their surplus property or equipment. Watch it here.

A solution for our state’s looming long-term care crisis

Every day, an average of 10,000 people across our nation turn 65, a pace that will continue for the next two decades. Yet here in Washington state, long-term care continues to be inaccessible and unaffordable for too many people, it is not included in Medicare and other insurance is expensive and hard to obtain.

elderly couple

That’s why I co-sponsored the Long-Term Care Trust Act (House Bill 2533) a bipartisan solution that creates a long-term care insurance benefit to help seniors and their families pay for long-term care services and supports. Funds from a one-half of one percent payroll deduction on all workers would be distributed through a program overseen by a public-private commission. Those vested in the program would receive 365 days’ worth of benefits at $100/day, which could be used consecutively or non-consecutively. Coverage could be used with any certified provider including in-home care aides, adult family homes, assisted living, or skilled-nursing facilities.

What would that look like? Let’s say Jane retires at 65 with little savings, but a retirement plan from work. Everything’s going well, until dementia starts to set in and her kids realize she needs someone to help her with some daily activities. Because Jane paid into the trust and became vested while she was working, she’s guaranteed some money to help pay for this care. This takes some of the burden off her kids, keeps her in her home and helps protect her from having to use up her entire retirement savings.

The Long-Term Care Trust Act had a hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness last week.

Thank you so much for reading my newsletter. If you need additional information on these or any other issues currently under discussion in Olympia, please contact my office.


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