Media Advisory: 47th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall

WHOReps. Debra Entenman (D-Kent) and Pat Sullivan (D-Covington) of the 47th Legislative District, which covers part of southeast King County including part of Kent, Covington and Auburn.

WHAT: A live Telephone Town Hall event.

WHEN: Monday, February 3rd, 6:00 – 7:00 P.M.

WHERE: Your own home! Our automated system will call out to landlines in the district. All you have to do is accept the call and press *3 to ask questions.

Call In Number: (877) 229-8493 PIN: 116361

Sign Up: If you don’t have a landline, you can sign up to be called when the event begins here,

WHY: Reps. Entenman and Sullivan want to answer your questions about the current legislative session in Olympia. Hearing directly from their constituents is the best way to ensure that they are representing you.