Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

Legislative Process Note Monday, March 1st marked the 50th day of the 2021 legislative session. Though this session seems to be flying by, the Legislature still lots of work ahead… READ MORE

Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

Constituent Meetings One of the most important parts of my job is meeting with constituent groups to listen and learn about matters of public policy particularly important to them. This… READ MORE

Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

Step One for Washington’s Community and Economic Recovery On Monday, House Democrats passed early action COVID-19 relief. This is the first step in the House and Senate plan for Washington’s… READ MORE

Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

Welcoming a Historic New Administration This week the Biden/Harris administration was officially welcomed into the White House after their inauguration Wednesday. The inauguration of Vice President Kamala Harris is a… READ MORE