
To read my 2024 Session Review Newsletter, CLICK HERE
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MEDIA ADVISORY: 27th LD legislators hosting town hall

Who: Sen. Yasmin Trudeau, Speaker Laurie Jinkins, Rep. Jake Fey What: 27th Legislative District Town Hall When: Saturday, March 15th, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (sign-in begins at 9:30 a.m.)... READ MORE

Legislative Update: House of Origin Cutoff and a Town Hall March 15th

Dear friends and neighbors, We’ve reached the halfway point of this year’s session and we’re coming up on a big deadline – the House of Origin cutoff – next week.... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Children’s Day, Speaker’s Scoop podcast, & the Book 1 budget

Dear friends and neighbors, We’re wrapping up week six of this year’s legislative session, and tomorrow marks our first big deadline for this year, policy cutoff. On Monday though we... READ MORE

Speaker Jinkins, Majority Leader Pedersen: “We stand behind the attorney general’s efforts to defeat the president’s latest unlawful action”

Speaker Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma) and Senate Majority Leader Jamie Pedersen (D-Seattle) issued the statement below on Attorney General Nick Brown’s legal challenge to President Donald Trump’s executive order regarding gender-affirming... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Cora Whitley Family Center Groundbreaking, Protecting Washingtonians

Dear friends and neighbors, Hello from Olympia, where we’re nearly a quarter of the way through this year’s legislative session. Right now, our work is focused on committee hearings. These... READ MORE

Majority Leader Pedersen, Speaker Jinkins: Protecting Transgender Youth in Washington State

Senate Majority Leader Jamie Pedersen and Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins made the following statement Monday in response to multiple federal executive orders attacking transgender youth: “As parents, members... READ MORE

Declaración de Presidenta Laurie Jinkins sobre órdenes ejecutivas federales que amenazan a residentes de Washington

La Presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, Laurie Jinkins (Demócrata de Tacoma), publicó hoy la siguiente declaración en respuesta a las órdenes ejecutivas federales que ponen en riesgo a inmigrantes, refugiados y... READ MORE

Statement from Speaker Laurie Jinkins on Federal Executive Orders Threatening Washington Residents

Para español, ver más abajo Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma), released the following statement today in response to federal executive orders putting immigrants, refugees, and undocumented community members... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Wrapping Up Week Two

Dear friends and neighbors, Hello from Olympia, where we’re wrapping up the second week of this year’s legislative session! Last week I was formally re-elected by my peers as Speaker... READ MORE

Jinkins elected House Speaker, lays out successes and challenges ahead of 2025 session

OLYMPIA – The 2025 Legislative Session began today with the election of Speaker Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma) to the top leadership role in the state House. Jinkins made history in 2020... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Session Starts Next Week, Legislative Preview Forum, How to Get Involved

Dear friends and neighbors, The 2025 legislative session starts next week! Washington has a part-time legislature (as do many states), so we’re only down in Olympia for a few months... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Happy Holidays, Food and Housing Assistance

Dear friends and neighbors,  It’s the holiday season once again, and a time when people often gather with loved ones, friends, and community to celebrate. It can also be an... READ MORE

Returning to your Inbox: Legislative Updates, The Page Program, and Open Enrollment for Health Plans

Dear friends and neighbors, The election results were certified yesterday, and with that I can resume our regular official legislative updates! You might remember from earlier this year (or, for... READ MORE

Goodbye . . . for now

Dear friends and neighbors, I’m reaching out with a final update about our work this session. Folks who have received these emails from me for a while will remember that... READ MORE

2024 Session Victories: Funding for Local Projects

Dear friends and neighbors, We talk a lot about the different budgets in our newsletters, but we wanted to update you all on what those investments will mean in our... READ MORE

2024 Session Victories: Let’s talk housing

Dear friends and neighbors, I’m back with another update on our work this session, this time with a focus on housing. First, though, I wanted to pass along a quick... READ MORE

You’re invited! Join me for this Thursday for a telephone town hall

Dear friends and neighbors, This Thursday, April 4th, Sen. Yasmin Trudeau, Rep. Jake Fey and I will be hosting a telephone town hall for 27th District constituents from 5:30 –... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: Upcoming 27th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall

Who: Speaker Laurie Jinkins, Rep. Jake Fey, and Sen. Yasmin Trudeau What: Telephone town hall for constituents of the 27th Legislative District When: Thursday, April 4, 2024, 5:30 – 6:30... READ MORE

2024 Session Victories: Community Safety, Behavioral Health, and Responding to the Opioid/Fentanyl Crisis

Dear friends and neighbors, In my final e-newsletter of 2024 session, I mentioned that I’d be doing a deeper dive in subsequent newsletters into some of the great work we... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Sine Die – The Last Day of Session

Dear friends and neighbors, Today is Sine Die (pronounced sigh-knee die), the last day of the 2024 Legislative Session! It’s called that because when we adjourned for the last time tonight,... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Budget Rollouts and Town Hall Thank-Yous

Dear friends and neighbors, I wanted to kick things off this week by thanking the people who attended our town hall last weekend. We had some good conversations about housing,... READ MORE

Sen. Billig, Speaker Jinkins: Three initiatives will have hearings, three will not

OLYMPIA – Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig and Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins announced Friday that public hearings will be held on Initiative 2113 (police pursuits), I-2111 (state income... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Floor action and a Town Hall

Dear friends and neighbors, We’re wrapping up the fifth week of this year’s legislative session, and we’re coming up on a big deadline – the House of Origin cutoff –... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Floor Action, Congrats to Tacoma Public Schools, and Protecting Reproductive Health

Dear friends and neighbors, Hello from Olympia, where we’re wrapping up our third week of this year’s legislative session. This year is a short session and it’s going by quickly,... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Kicking off the 2024 legislative session

Dear friends and neighbors, Earlier this week we kicked off the 2024 Legislative Session! Our legislature works on a biennial/two-year calendar, and we alternate between short sessions (60 days) and... READ MORE

Speaker Jinkins: “Optimistic and determined” about 2024 Legislative Session

Ver más abajo para la traducción al español OLYMPIA – The 2024 Legislative Session convened today with opening ceremonies in the state House and Senate. House Speaker Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma)... READ MORE

Statement from Speaker Laurie Jinkins on not guilty verdict for officers charged with the death of Manuel Ellis

OLYMPIA, Wash. – Today, Speaker Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma) issued the following statement after the three Tacoma Police Department (TPD) officers were found not guilty of the murder and manslaughter of... READ MORE

Happy holidays, and FAFSA applications open soon

Dear friends and neighbors, This will be my last e-newsletter of 2023! I hope that you are all able to spend time with family and friends as we celebrate this... READ MORE

Committee Assembly Days and Survey Results

Dear friends and neighbors, As we start to wrap up 2023, next year’s legislative session is right around the corner. Earlier this week the House had its Committee Assembly Days,... READ MORE

Food Assistance Availability

Dear friends and neighbors, As we head into the holidays I wanted to take some time to talk about the resources available (below) for anyone facing food insecurity. We know... READ MORE

The Page Program, 2024 Legislative Priorities Survey, and a Working Families Tax Credit Update

Dear friends and neighbors, Thank you so much to everyone who filled out the session priorities survey in my last e-newsletter! If you haven’t had a chance to fill it out, it’s... READ MORE

Survey on 2024 Session Priorities

Dear friends and neighbors, This interim I’ve covered a lot of the work we did last session (you can see all my previous e-newsletters here). As we get closer to the... READ MORE

Statement from Speaker Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma) on Hate Crime Protections for Jewish, Muslim, Islamic, and Refugee Communities

“The last few weeks have been incredibly difficult for the Jewish and Palestinian members of our community and for those with connections to people living in Israel and Gaza. Devastating... READ MORE

2023 Legislative Victories: Consumer Protection, plus Legislative Internship Applications

Dear friends and neighbors, Over the last couple months, we’ve covered nearly all the major issue areas from last session. This will be one of our last “legislative victories” e-newsletters... READ MORE

Pierce County high-profile trial begins today: Info and resources for the public

Dear friends and neighbors,  I’m reaching out with some information as our community prepares for the trial of the three Tacoma Police Department (TPD) officers charged with the murder and... READ MORE

2023 Legislative Victories: Environment & the Climate Crisis

Dear friends and neighbors, This fall we’re wrapping up from another record-breaking hot summer and looking at the rest of what’s on track to be the hottest year in recorded... READ MORE

2023 Legislative Victories: K-12 Education and Early Learning, plus Legislative Internship Application Open

Dear friends and neighbors, Last week was the first week of school for Tacoma Public Schools, and I thought I’d take this opportunity to share what we did last session... READ MORE

Leader Billig, Speaker Jinkins call for non-partisan process for VRA-compliant legislative district in Yakima Valley

Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma) and Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig (D-Spokane) offered the following statement on their decision not to meet in special session to reconvene the... READ MORE

2023 Session Victories: Local Projects, plus Community Conversations and WA Cares

Dear friends and neighbors, We’re here with an update on what local projects we funded during this year’s legislative session! The money for these local projects can come from a... READ MORE

2023 Session Victories: Reproductive Care and LGBTQ Rights

Dear friends and neighbors, Over the last year I’ve found myself thinking about Washington’s role as a beacon of hope. June is Pride month for most of the nation (although... READ MORE

2023 Session Victories: Post-Secondary Education, Apprenticeships, and Workforce Development; plus Community Conversations

Dear friends and neighbors, I’m back with another update on what we were able to accomplish this session! As many students are wrapping up the school year or preparing to... READ MORE

2023 Session Victories: Let’s talk housing, behavioral health, and community safety

Dear friends and neighbors, In my last full e-newsletter I said it would take more than one email to cover all the work we did this session. Over the next... READ MORE

This Thursday: Join me for a telephone town hall!

Dear friends and neighbors, Just a reminder that Sen. Yasmin Trudeau, Rep. Jake Fey and I will be hosting a telephone town hall for 27th District constituents THIS Thursday, May... READ MORE

House Speaker Laurie Jinkins: Washington state has consistently led nation on climate, civil rights and more under Gov. Inslee

House Speaker Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma), released the following statement today: “Under Governor Inslee’s tenure, Washington has consistently been a national leader in forward-thinking policies championing climate action and clean energy,... READ MORE

End of Session Update and a Telephone Town Hall

Dear friends and neighbors, Earlier this week we wrapped up the 2023 legislative session. I’m proud of what we were able to accomplish in 105 days, and I’ve got a... READ MORE

Session Update: bills so far, presiding over the House, and more

Dear friends and neighbors, Today is the 96th day of this year’s 105-day legislative session, and I have some updates! This week was the opposite chamber cutoff, which means we... READ MORE

House rolls out “Resilient Washington Budget”

Dear friends and neighbors, Yesterday, House Democrats rolled out our 2023-2025 state operating budget proposal, the Resilient Washington Budget. Over the last few years we’ve set a new standard for... READ MORE

Join me this Saturday for a Town Hall

Dear Friends and Neighbors, This is just a quick reminder about our town hall this Saturday, March 18th from 10AM-12PM. Come ask questions and get an update on our work... READ MORE

Session Update: Floor Action, an Upcoming Town Hall, the Page Program, & more

Dear friends and neighbors, This week was the House of Origin Cutoff in Olympia, which means we’ve crossed the deadline for most bills to pass out of the House (or... READ MORE

Session Update: Children’s Day, Floor Action, and Meet My Staff

Dear friends and neighbors, We’re wrapping up week seven of this year’s legislative session, which means we’re in cutoff season (more on that below), and earlier this week we celebrated... READ MORE