Kicking off remote session

Dear friends and neighbors,

The state House kicked off the 2021 legislative session earlier this week. While the session will be mostly remote, we convened in person on Monday to approve temporary rules allowing for remote proceedings. Throughout the session, which wraps up April 25, I’ll be posting updates on Facebook. Be sure to follow me on Facebook for the latest.

I also want to thank the Washington National Guard members who helped ensure a safe start to the session. Thank you for all that you do to protect Washingtonians.

Remote session means more access

With the session being remote, it will be easier than ever to make your voice heard. You can still watch meetings and events, reach out to your lawmakers and get involved. You can reach me at 253-256-0302 or I want to hear from you!

Committee meetings and floor sessions will be streamed live on You can also testify remotely and submit written testimony. Visit this link for more information.

Working for you this session

I’m focused on helping our communities recover and providing assistance to those whose lives have been upended by the pandemic. Before COVID-19, people in our region were struggling with rising costs and a lack of opportunity to get ahead. And now, after ten months of restrictions and shutdowns, people are feeling the devastating impacts of the pandemic.

This session, I’m committed to helping working families and small businesses get back on their feet. Here’s the bills I’ve introduced so far this session:

HB 1033: Extends a tax credit program for small businesses working with students in customized training programs.

HB 1151: Bolsters economic recovery. This bill provides critical assistance to low-income households in need and sets the stage for the state Department of Social and Health Services to update the “standard of need” that was last updated in 1991.

HB 1043: Improves access to audiology and speech-language pathology services by streamlining licenses. This bill, a Department of Defense priority, aims to help service members and their spouses, along with other folks, with licenses in other states who want to pursue their career in Washington state.

HB 1044: Creates pathways from prison to postsecondary education. More than 90% of people in prisons will be released, and educational programs are a proven way to reduce recidivism, set folks up for success by gaining an employable skill and increase public safety.

HB 1166: Expands a pilot program for homeless and foster care college students who are at high risk of dropping out of postsecondary programs and not completing a certificate or degree to get them working and in jobs to sustain themselves and their families.

We will get through this. I’ll keep fighting for working families, seniors, service members, veterans and small business owners. During this remote session, it’s my priority to continue to be available and accessible to you. I look forward to advocating for you.

It’s my highest honor to serve the beautiful 28th!

Stay well,

Mari Leavitt