Governor signs Paul bill to explore Running Start summer school | April 9, 2020
OLYMPIA –On April 3, Governor Inslee signed legislation to create a Running Start summer school pilot program. House Bill 2864, sponsored by Representative Dave Paul, D-Oak Harbor, establishes the pilot project…
Governor signs Paul bills to expand access to in-state tuition for veterans and families | March 31, 2020
OLYMPIA – Governor Inslee has signed legislation sponsored by Representative Dave Paul, D-Oak Harbor, to expand access to certain benefits for veterans and their children. “Our veterans and their families have…
Rep. Dave Paul congratulates Rep. Norma Smith on years of public service | March 4, 2020
OLYMPIA –On Wednesday, March 4, Rep. Norma Smith, R-Clinton, announced her retirement from the House of Representatives. Rep. Dave Paul, D-Oak Harbor, issued a statement of congratulations on a dedicated…
UPDATE: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) | March 2, 2020
Friends, Many of us are concerned about COVID-19 (Coronavirus). I’d like to share the most up-to-date and relevant websites, as well as contact information for our local departments of health…
House passes Paul bill to create a pilot program for Running Start summer school | February 14, 2020
OLYMPIA –On Thursday, February 13, the Washington House of Representatives passed legislation sponsored by Representative Dave Paul, D-Oak Harbor, to create Running Start summer school pilot program. “Dual-credit programs are…