Winning the fight against COVID-19

Flowchart of relief for workers affected by the coronavirus. Find ou tmore at ESD.WA.GOV

Stay Home, Stay Healthy is working. Together, as a community, we are flattening the curve. Social distancing yourself is a crucial piece of healing our community. Thank you, Spokane, for… READ MORE

A message on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Dear neighbors, Washington state is experiencing an increase in cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and it is anticipated that the virus will continue to spread. There have been six deaths… READ MORE

Let’s talk!

Photo of Rep. Riccelli and constituents sitting around table

This Friday, I am setting up a mobile office at the Emerson-Garfield Farmers Market. Alongside Sen. Billig and Rep. Ormsby, I invite you to drop in and let us know… READ MORE

Back to school

Rep. Riccelli kicking soccer ball with students

With summer winding down, back-to-school season is here once again. As the husband of a public school employee and father of two young kids, my household is busy preparing to… READ MORE