Impacting Kids & Education Across the State

Dear Friends and Neighbors,   It has been a busy and exciting start to our first in-person Legislative Session since 2020. I’ve been introducing bills, chairing committees, participating in press conferences,… READ MORE

Welcome to the 2023 Legislative Session!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,  I am full of gratitude for being reelected for another term to the Washington State House of Representatives. It is one of my life’s biggest honors… READ MORE

Our work addressing the climate crisis

Neighbors, Last year, the legislative session was a landmark year in the fight against climate change with the passage of the clean fuels program and the Climate Commitment Act. We… READ MORE

That’s a wrap on the 2022 session

Neighbors, We wrapped up the 2022 Legislative Session last week by passing funding for local transportation projects, schools, housing, small businesses and much more. These investments will do great things… READ MORE