Hello friends and neighbors,
>I am sorry to have to start this e-newsletter by emphatically telling you that I do not consent. Those of us who are elected officials understand any government works only with the consent of the governed.
A little over a week ago, President Trump issued an executive order banning or severely restricting refugees and immigrants from seven specific countries. The public responded with massive protests at airports across the nation, including Sea-Tac. There was also wide condemnation from legal scholars. And on Friday, a federal judge temporarily blocked the ban nationwide.
While state legislators are limited in what we can do about federal executive orders, there are specific actions we can take to stand against unnecessary actions that target innocent people based solely on their religion or country of origin.
The House Democratic Caucus sent a letter to President Trump last week, which I signed, asking him to comply with federal court orders addressing the ban. The letter clearly states the negative impacts to our state as a result of the executive order. Moreover, it spells out that we do not consent.
I’ll also be supporting legislation introduced in the House and Senate that would prevent our state institutions from being used to collect information for a religious registry.
Another measure being introduced would prohibit state agencies and law enforcement from using state funds, facilities or property to assist in any unconstitutional or illegal registration or surveillance programs that target residents on the basis of race, religion, immigration status, citizenship status, or national or ethnic origin. I intend to support this measure as well.
I am proud to stand up for our state’s values of inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunity. Please don’t hesitate to contact my office if you have questions or concerns about what’s happening in our community.
Meet the Team

Nothing that happens in Olympia is accomplished by just one person, and I am lucky to have a terrific team working with me here at the legislature.
Cinthia Illan-Vazquez is my Legislative Assistant. This is Cinthia’s second session working for our office. Whenever you call or email, she makes sure I get your information. She is dedicated to ensuring your concerns and feedback are heard.
Sarah Robertson is interning with our office this year. She is an Evergreen student studying agriculture and political science, and is working for the legislature for the first time. She helps our office track pieces of legislation and, when I am unable, meets with constituents as well.
I spend many of my days in committee meetings or on the House floor voting on bills, so I’m not always able to meet with you personally when you come to Olympia. Cinthia, Sarah and I work as a team to make sure one of us is always available for you. We share notes from meetings and work hard to focus our attention on the issues most important to you. It’s an honor for us to be working on your behalf.