You’re invited! Join me for this Thursday for a telephone town hall

27th LD Telephone Town Hall announcement graphic

Dear friends and neighbors,

This Thursday, April 4th, Sen. Yasmin Trudeau, Rep. Jake Fey and I will be hosting a telephone town hall for 27th District constituents from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

If you do not automatically receive a phone call around 5:30 p.m. inviting you to join the town hall, you can call toll-free 877-229-8493 and enter PIN # 116282 to be connected. This dial-in number will open up a few minutes before the town hall begins.

The Legislature recently wrapped up the 2024 legislative session in Olympia, and Sen. Trudeau, Rep. Fey and I are looking forward to sharing an overview of some of the key bills, updates on the state operating, transportation and capital construction budgets, and taking your questions live on the call.

To ask us a question during the call, press *3 on your phone keypad, and one of our staff members will help connect you directly to us. You may also submit questions in advance here: 

If you don’t have a specific question, feel free to just listen in to the conversation. Full audio of the town hall will be available afterwards on my website, my Facebook page, and on YouTube, in case you are unable to listen to it live.

Hope you can join us!


Laurie Jinkins eSignature