4-H club members go to Olympia

The 4-H Club Orcas Fur and Feathers sent four high school delegates to the four-day Washington 4-H Know Your Government conference in Olympia to learn about civil discourse and the… READ MORE

Fantastic Friday

Happy Fantastic Friday! It has been a busy week in Olympia, and here is what we have been up to. What’s happening now in Olympia? We recently passed two key deadlines… READ MORE

Fantastic Friday

Happy Fantastic Friday! This week has been quite exciting in the capitol. Today is the cutoff for passing non-fiscal bills out of committee. You can view the 2019 Session Cutoff… READ MORE

Fantastic Friday

Winter has come Happy Fantastic Friday everyone. I hope you are all warm and safe. This past week was hard on many residents in western Washington. Between harsh road conditions,… READ MORE