House passes Lekanoff tribal k-12 curriculum bill

OLYMPIA—Tribal history, sovereignty, culture, language, and government are essential to Washington’s past, present, and future—and unfortunately lack presence in k-12 education. Representative Debra Lekanoff (D-Bow) sponsored House Bill 1332 to… READ MORE

Week 6 | Building a Resilient Climate Together

Dear friends and neighbors,   Happy Fantastic Friday!  We’re over 25% of the way through the legislative session. Today is policy committee cutoff, which is the first big deadline of this legislative session…. READ MORE

The 2022 State Budgets

I know it has been hard for you and your family. The past two years have been rough, our nation is experiencing inflation, and too many workers and small businesses… READ MORE

Week 9 | The 2022 Session Comes to an End

We just wrapped up the 2022 Legislative Session! After a jam-packed 60-days, we adjourned late last night after passing the finalized transportation and operating budgets. In future newsletters, I’ll go… READ MORE