Fantastic Friday – Labor Day Update | September 1, 2023
Happy Fantastic Friday! Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend! Dear friends and neighbors, It’s already September! I hope this message finds you well, and that you enjoy a fun, safe Labor Day…
Fantastic Friday: Engaging Together for a Brighter Future | August 4, 2023
Happy Fantastic Friday! Dear friends and neighbors, It’s already August! I hope this message finds you well and enjoying a beautiful Washington summertime. In this newsletter, I’d like to share some…
Fantastic Friday – Summer Update! | July 7, 2023
Happy Fantastic Friday! Dear friends and neighbors, As the days grow longer and warmer and the Pacific Northwest buzzes with outdoor activity, I wanted to take a moment to update…
That’s a wrap! 2023 Legislative Session Recap | May 5, 2023
Dear friends and neighbors, Happy Fantastic Friday! It’s hard to believe we’ve finished the 2023 legislative session! I want to take a moment to thank you for your engagement and…
Week 15 | The final week of session! | April 21, 2023
Dear friends and neighbors, Happy Fantastic Friday! It’s hard to believe we are in the last week of the legislative session! As we near Sine Die, I want to take…
Week 12 | Expanding Resiliency in WA | March 31, 2023
Happy Fantastic Friday! Time flies, and we are already three weeks away from the end of the 2023 legislative session. As we approach the final stretch, I wanted to take…
Fantastic Friday | Representation reflected in policy | March 24, 2023
Dear friends and neighbors, Happy Fantastic Friday! As we head into the weekend, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for all the hard work and dedication…
Week 7 | Protecting Healthcare Throughout WA & Town Hall Invite! | February 24, 2023
Dear Neighbors, Happy Fantastic Friday! It’s the seventh week of the legislative session! Last Friday was policy cutoff and this Friday is fiscal cutoff. Only bills that have already passed…
Week 6 | Building a Resilient Climate Together | February 17, 2023
Dear friends and neighbors, Happy Fantastic Friday! We’re over 25% of the way through the legislative session. Today is policy committee cutoff, which is the first big deadline of this legislative session….
Week 3 | Welcome to the 2023 Legislative Session! | January 27, 2023
Happy Fantastic Friday! The Legislative Session Has Begun! Dear friends and neighbors, January 9th marked the beginning of the 2023 legislative session, and I am honored to return once again as…