
  • Update from the capitol | April 5, 2019

    The State Budget The state House of Representatives is currently working on the budget for the 2019-2021 biennium. Nothing is set in stone at this point, but these items are… READ MORE

  • Update from the capitol | March 15, 2019

    Making progress on legislation Five of the bills I introduced this session have passed through the House! These bills include: HB 1071: This bill is designed to ensure Washington consumers… READ MORE

  • Update from the capitol | March 1, 2019

    Addressing gambling addiction in Washington Gambling addiction is a curse that has affected many households in Washington. Some people have lost their entire life savings to their addiction and just… READ MORE

  • Update from the capitol | February 19, 2019

    Privacy in your technology Last week I introduced House Bill 2046 to improve the transparency of how corporations are selling, commercializing, and monetizing your data. Technology is increasingly becoming a… READ MORE

  • Update from the capitol | February 18, 2019

    Privacy in your technology Last week I introduced HB 2046 to improve the transparency of data collection from personal devices. As time moves forward, technology is becoming a more integral… READ MORE

  • Update from the capitol | February 2, 2019

    Bring in the robots! This week my bill HB 1325 had its first hearing!  I created HB 1325 to regulate and encourage the use of Personal Delivery Devices (PDDs) on… READ MORE