Legislative News

Legislative Update: Impactful Bills For Our Community & Two Upcoming Town Halls 

Friends and neighbors, As they say, March comes in like a lion and we have been spending some long days and late nights doing the peoples’ work. In this issue,... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: 21st District telephone town hall on Mar. 13 at 6:30 p.m.

Who: 21st Legislative District delegation – Sen. Marko Liias, Reps. Lillian Ortiz-Self and Strom Peterson.  What: Telephone town hall meeting.  When: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 13, 2023.  How:... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: 21st District in-person town hall on Mar. 18 at 10:00 a.m.

Who: 21st Legislative District delegation – Sen. Marko Liias, Reps. Lillian Ortiz-Self and Strom Peterson.  What: In-person town hall meeting.  When: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Saturday, March 18, 2023. ... READ MORE

Legislative Video: Tackling the Housing Crisis

Friends and neighbors,   As you’ve heard from me over the past six weeks, this is going to be the year of Housing. We need more homes of all types, so... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Housing & the Working Families Tax Credit 

Friends and neighbors,  Ensuring all Washington families have access to stable and affordable housing is incredibly important to me—just as it is for many in our community. As Chair of... READ MORE

Media Advisory: A Shared Vision for Washington’s Housing Supply Crisis

WHAT: A bipartisan and bicameral press conference to address closing Washington’s housing supply shortfall. In this working session, legislators in Olympia will discuss what they are doing to reduce barriers... READ MORE

Bill limiting the use of solitary confinement passes House Community Safety, Justice, & Reentry Committee

January 24, 2023 OLYMPIA– Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, recently introduced House Bill 1087, limiting the use of solitary confinement in state prisons to emergency purposes, medical isolation and voluntary request.... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Housing and participating in the legislative process

Friends and neighbors, The 2023 legislative session started on January 9th.  Some of you may be interested in participating in the legislative process. There are several ways to stay informed... READ MORE

Missed our Virtual Town Hall? – Watch it now!

If you were unable to join us last night, you can watch the recording of the entire event here:

21st District Virtual Town Hall on April 21st!

Dear Friends and Neighbors, The 2022 session was both historic and productive, with major wins going far beyond what is normally expected during a short, 60-day session. Please join us... READ MORE

Budgets Edition Report to the 21st District

Dear friends and neighbors, We know it has been hard for you and your family. The past two years have been rough, our nation is experiencing inflation, and too many... READ MORE

Video Update: Peterson on rent increase notices and name change order fees

Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, talks about recent floor activity due to the house of origin cutoff; his bill about landlords giving notice of rent increase not surviving cutoff (HB 1904);... READ MORE

Serving Washington: housing and homelessness, climate action, worker protections

Dear Friends and Neighbors, We’re now more than halfway through this year’s legislative session. As I’ve mentioned before, our time in session this year is short, but the list of... READ MORE

Rep. Peterson on Solitary Confinement, Feeding Children & Policy Committee Cutoff

Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, talks about his bill concerning solitary confinement (HB 1756); increasing participation from public schools in the community eligibility provision of the United States department of agriculture... READ MORE

Virtual Town Hall on Monday; updates from the legislative session

Dear Friends and Neighbors, With about one third of this “short” legislative session behind us, House Democrats are making good progress on many important issues facing families in our state.... READ MORE

Ask STROM 1: Renters’ Protections, WA Cares Reforms, & Staffing Standards

Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, responds to constituent emails on his legislation to protect tenants from excessive rent increases, the two bills recently passed to make necessary changes to the WA... READ MORE

Rep. Peterson on Protecting tenants & extending assistance for families

Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, talks about the need to protect tenants from excessive rent (HB 1904); and extending assistance to families (HB 2048).

Newsletter: Moving forward for EVERYONE this session

Dear Friends and Neighbors, The legislative session started this week, and while this may be a “short” session, the list of challenges before us is long. This year, we will focus... READ MORE


Dear friends and neighbors, Washington state’s Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC) recently issued an emergency rule to prevent credit scores from being used to determine insurance premiums. This might... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: 21st District Telephone Town Hall on Monday, June 28, at 5:30 PM

Who: Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self, Rep. Strom Peterson and Sen. Marko Liias What: 21st Legislative District Telephone town hall meeting. When: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 28, 2021. Why:... READ MORE

Join our telephone town hall on Monday evening

Dear neighbors, With the 2021 session behind us and before we get into full-on summer mode, we feel this is a god time for a check-in. Please join us and... READ MORE

2021 Session Report to the 21st Legislative District

Click HERE or on the button below to read the report. .

Rep. Peterson on 2021 Legislative Session Highlights

From taking steps to fix the state’s tax code, to addressing housing and homelessness, to adopting environmental standards, among other things, Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, shares some of this session’s... READ MORE

Rep. Peterson talks about legislation protecting your rights and addressing food insecurity

Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, talks about house bills that ensure accountability with interrogations with police officers, protecting tenants’ rights, and addressing food insecurity.