
House Transportation Budget Prioritizes Safety, Preservation, and Key Investments Amidst Funding Challenges

OLYMPIA—The House Transportation Committee today released its proposed transportation budget, making strategic investments in critical areas while acknowledging the significant funding shortfalls that continue to challenge Washington’s transportation system. The... READ MORE

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: House Transportation Chair Rep. Jake Fey to Discuss Transportation Budget Proposal 

MEDIA ADVISORY March 21, 2025 OLYMPIA – Members of the press are invited to a media availability with Representative Jake Fey (D-Tacoma), Chair of the House Transportation Committee, to discuss... READ MORE

Update: Town hall appreciation, a conversation with Rep. Wylie

Thank You: Town Hall Appreciation Thank you to everyone who joined me for our town hall last week! It was great to hear directly from constituents in the 27th Legislative... READ MORE

The Road Usage Charge (RUC)

House Bill 1921 proposes to modernize how we fund our transportation system in Washington, by replacing the per gallon gas tax with a pay by mile system. The reason this change... READ MORE

27th Legislative District town hall announcement with legislators photos and event info
MEDIA ADVISORY: 27th LD legislators hosting town hall

Who: Sen. Yasmin Trudeau, Speaker Laurie Jinkins, Rep. Jake Fey What: 27th Legislative District Town Hall When: Saturday, March 15th, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (sign-in begins at 9:30 a.m.)... READ MORE

Washington State House Passes Legislation to Expand Community Use of Unused Highway Land

OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State House of Representatives has passed House Bill 1774, legislation that allows the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to incorporate social, environmental, and economic... READ MORE

LD 27 Update: The truth about the Road Usage Charge bill, honoring WA State Troopers

Dear Friends and Neighbors,  The 2025 legislative session is in full swing, and I want to share updates on important work happening at the Capitol, including a major step forward... READ MORE

Rep. Jake Fey Introduces Road Usage Charge Bill to Ensure Fair & Sustainable Transportation Funding

OLYMPIA, Wash. – Rep. Jake Fey, D-Tacoma, Chair of the House Transportation Committee, has introduced legislation (HB 1921) to establish a Road Usage Charge (RUC), a fair and sustainable way... READ MORE

27th LD Update: Committee Work, Recycling Rates, and A Page in My Office! 

Dear Friends and Neighbors,    As we begin the month of February, we are moving into Week 4 of the legislative session. Here’s the latest on our process, a bill I’d... READ MORE

27th LD Update: The 2025 Legislative Session is underway, transportation budget priorities

Dear Friends and Neighbors,    The 2025 Legislative Session got underway on Monday, January 13.  This is a long session year lasting 105 days. During this session we will pass our... READ MORE

A Note: Election Year Restrictions and Contacting My Office.

Friends and neighbors,  This will be the last email update you will get from me until after the election. I explain a bit about this in my latest video.  The... READ MORE

Jinkins, Fey, Trudeau walking on Tacoma downtown street
2024 Session Victories: Funding for Local Projects

Dear friends and neighbors, We talk a lot about the different budgets in our newsletters, but we wanted to update you all on what those investments will mean in our... READ MORE

Supporting youth without homes and addressing encampments.

Friends and neighbors, Addressing homelessness presents significant challenges. Our goal is for our neighbors to not only have stable housing but also the necessary support systems to thrive. However, we... READ MORE

District Update: Session Wrap-Up Video + Join My Seatmates and Me for a Telephone Town Hall April 4.

Dear friends and neighbors,  This session saw a lot of work to find a workable transportation budget that is getting stretched thin due to cost increases. Ultimately, my fellow lawmakers... READ MORE

Legislative Update: The State’s Supplemental Transportation Budget + A Page in Our Office

Dear friends and neighbors,  The 2024 legislative session concluded at 5:49 p.m. on March 7. The 60-day session was a whirlwind, and there was a lot to do in such... READ MORE

NOTICIAS LEGISLATIVAS: Presupuesto de transporte que prioriza seguridad pública, preservación, y transbordadores va camino al escritorio del gobernador

For English, please click here OLYMPIA — La Legislatura aprobó el jueves el presupuesto de transporte suplementario (HB 2134), un plan de $14.6 billones que prioriza la seguridad pública, la... READ MORE

Transportation budget that prioritizes public safety, preservation and ferries heads to governor’s desk

Para español, por favor presione aquí OLYMPIA — The Legislature on Thursday passed the supplemental transportation budget (HB 2134), a $14.6 billion plan which prioritizes public safety, preservation and maintenance... READ MORE

Fey sends bill to retain experienced Washington State Patrol troopers to the governor’s desk

OLYMPIA—Over the past several years, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) has struggled with maintaining its authorized level of 683 field force troopers. Its current workforce is nearly 25 percent shy... READ MORE

Legislative Update: The House’s Proposed Transportation Budget, A Page in the Office & Our Town Hall

Dear friends and neighbors,  We’re now in week eight of this year’s legislative session, with things wrapping up in Olympia next Thursday, March 7! This 60-day session has gone by... READ MORE

Cámara aprueba presupuesto de transporte suplementario por un total de $14.3 billones

For English, please click here OLYMPIA—Hoy, la Cámara de Representantes del Estado de Washington aprobó, con un voto de 93-2, un presupuesto de transporte suplementario de $14.3 billones, un aumento... READ MORE

House passes supplemental transportation budget totaling $14.3 billion

Para español, presione aquí OLYMPIA— Today, the Washington State House of Representatives passed a supplemental transportation budget of $14.3 billion, an increase of $821 million for the enacted biennial budget with... READ MORE

Presupuesto de Transporte de Cámara de Representantes de Washington propone $14.3 billones para transbordadores, seguridad vial, proyectos de carreteras, pasajes para peces y más

OLYMPIA— Hoy, la Cámara de Representantes dio a conocer un presupuesto de transporte suplementario de $14.3 billones, un aumento de $821 millones sobre el presupuesto bienal aprobado. Gran parte del... READ MORE

WA House transportation budget proposes $14.3 billion for ferries, traffic safety, highway projects, fish passages and more

Para español presione aquí. OLYMPIA— Today, the House unveiled a supplemental transportation budget of $14.3 billion, an increase of $821 million for the enacted biennial budget. Much of the increase... READ MORE

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: State House Democrats to Release Transportation Budget Proposal on Monday

WHAT: House Democrats will release their proposed state supplemental transportation budget proposal and take questions from the media. WHO: Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma), Chair of the House Transportation Committee WHEN:... READ MORE

27th LD Update: An Update on Important Transportation Bills + Join My Seatmates and Me at a Town Hall on Saturday

Dear friends and neighbors,    We’re now in week six of this year’s legislative session. For the past week, my fellow legislators and I have been debating various bills on the... READ MORE

Two Fey traffic safety bills advance to the Senate

OLYMPIA—Two traffic safety bills, both sponsored by Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma), have passed out of the House and will now be under consideration in the Senate.  The first, House Bill... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: Spkr. Jinkins, Sen. Trudeau & Rep. Fey to Hold Feb. 17 Town Hall

Please join your lawmakers from the 27th Legislative District for a town hall meeting from 9:30-11:30 AM on Saturday, Feb. 17, at the Evergreen State College-Tacoma. This is their chance... READ MORE

27th LD Update: Traffic Safety + A Deeper Look at the State’s Transportation Budget

Dear friends and neighbors,   It’s been a couple weeks since my last newsletter to you. We’re now in week 4 of this year’s legislative session. In a week’s time, my... READ MORE

Fey bill aims to retain experienced Washington State Patrol troopers

OLYMPIA—Over the past several years, the Washington State Patrol has struggled with maintaining its authorized level of 683 field force troopers. Its current workforce is nearly 25 percent shy of... READ MORE

27th LD Update: The 2024 Legislative Session is Underway. A Look at My Recycling Bill & the State’s Transportation Budget

Dear friends and neighbors,    The 2024 Legislative Session got underway on Monday, January 8.  This is a short session year lasting just 60 days, with our work here wrapping up... READ MORE

27th LD Update: 2024 Legislative Session Pre-Session Postcard

My 2024 pre-session postcard has been mailed out, so it should be reaching your mailboxes soon, if it hasn’t already! If you have not received it, you can read it... READ MORE

Fey named Co-Chair of National Conference of State Legislatures’ Standing Committee on Transportation

OLYMPIA—Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) has been appointed to serve as Co-Chair on the National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL) Standing Committee on Transportation. This is a two-year appointment, expiring in... READ MORE

27th LD Update: A Bipartisan & Bicameral Tour of Columbia River Bridges

Dear friends and neighbors, It’s hard to believe that the 2023 Legislative Session is now almost half a year behind us and that we’re now gearing up for the 2024... READ MORE

Fey participating in this week’s Pacific Northwest Economic Regional Foundation’s annual summit

OLYMPIA—This week, legislators, business leaders, academics, and policymakers from the U.S. and Canada are meeting for the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) Foundation’s 32nd annual summit in Boise, Idaho, to... READ MORE

27th Legislative District Session Mailer

My session highlights mailer (together with Speaker Laurie Jinkins and Sen. Yasmin Trudeau) was mailed earlier this month. If you have not received it, you can read the first page... READ MORE

2023 Session Victories: Local Projects, plus Community Conversations and WA Cares

Dear friends and neighbors, We’re here with an update on what local projects we funded during this year’s legislative session! The money for these local projects can come from a... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: Jinkins, Fey and Trudeau to Hold Town Hall May 11

WHAT: 27th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall with Speaker Laurie Jinkins, Rep. Jake Fey, and Sen. Yasmin Trudeau WHEN: Thursday, May 11, from 6-7 p.m. WHERE: Call 877-229-8493 and enter 116282 when prompted.... READ MORE

Final state transportation budget boosts funding for highways, ferries, traffic safety and the Climate Commitment Act / El presupuesto estatal final de transporte impulsa la financiación de carreteras, transbordadores, seguridad vial y la Ley de Compromiso Climático

Ver más abajo para versión en español OLYMPIA— Budget leaders in the Washington State Legislature announced an agreement today for $13.5 billion to fund the state’s transportation needs over the... READ MORE

Fey’s ferry bill now heads to the Governor’s desk

OLYMPIA—This past weekend, the Walla Walla ferry that traverses the waters between Seattle and Bainbridge Island ran aground. Nearly 600 passengers and vehicles were offloaded, and the 50-year-old ferry was... READ MORE

Fey bill will pause the state’s heated airport debate

OLYMPIA—Washington’s heated airport debate has been paused—for now. HB 1791, a bill introduced by Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) essentially restarts the process on Washington’s airports. “At the start of this... READ MORE

State trooper bill passes the Senate

OLYMPIA—In years past, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) had as many as 400 applicants a month for open positions. Nowadays, the average number of monthly applicants is just 53. Worse... READ MORE

Ferry procurement bill passes House, heads to Senate for consideration

OLYMPIA— Washington State Ferries (WSF) has an aging fleet. Many of the vessels are between 30 to 50 years old, and one boat is even 64 years old. Fixing these... READ MORE

27th LD Update: Less Than 2 Weeks ‘Til Sine Die!

Dear friends and neighbors, Two weeks ago, the House released its proposed transportation budget; and a week ago it passed off the House floor, almost unanimously (96-1). Two days after... READ MORE

Governor’s desk is the next stop for Fey legislation to help homeless students / Escritorio del gobernador es la próxima parada de legislación de Fey para ayudar a estudiantes sin hogar

Ver más abajo para la versión en español OLYMPIA—Washington state has an alarming homelessness crisis. Among those without a roof over their head every night are 30,000 students—or about three... READ MORE

House transportation budget passes House

OLYMPIA—A week ago, the House Democrats released their proposed transportation budget for the 2023-2025 biennium. Today, the $13.6 billion spending authority passed off the House floor with a vote of... READ MORE

27th LD Update: Transportation Budget is Released & More

Dear friends and neighbors, Earlier this week, the House Democrats  proposed the new transportation budget for the 2023-25 fiscal biennium, providing a spending authority of $13.6B. The budget reflects several... READ MORE

House Democrats release state transportation budget

OLYMPIA—House Democrats proposed a second supplemental transportation budget for the 2021-23 biennium and the new transportation budget for the 2023-25 fiscal biennium, providing a spending authority of $10.3B and $13.6B,... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: State House Democrats to Release Transportation Budget Proposal on Monday

WHO: Transportation Committee Chair Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) and Vice Chairs Brandy Donaghy (D-Mill Creek), Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor), and Joe Timmons (D-Bellingham) WHAT: House Democrats will release their proposed state... READ MORE

Opening the procurement of new vessels at Washington State Ferries to national shipbuilders

OLYMPIA— “Addressing challenges within the Washington State Ferries (WSF) is vital to staying efficient and eliminating the expense of maintaining vessels that have outlived their expected lifespan. Many of these... READ MORE

27th LD Update: Important Transportation Bills + Join Me at a Town Hall on 3/18

Dear friends and neighbors, The last time I wrote you, we had not yet started our 10-day run of bills on the House floor. That hectic activity ended last Wednesday,... READ MORE

Fey’s Bill to Form a Working Group to Restart the Airport Process Passes House

OLYMPIA—This afternoon the House passed HB 1791 with a vote of 88-9, which will ultimately restart the process on Washington’s airports. “Opposition to the state’s proposed airport sites had been... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: Jinkins, Fey, and Trudeau to Hold In-Person Town Hall on March 18

WHAT: 27th Legislative District In-Person Town Hall with Speaker Laurie Jinkins, Rep. Jake Fey, and Sen. Yasmin Trudeau WHEN: Saturday, March 18, from 10 a.m.-12 noon  WHERE: The Evergreen State College, 1210... READ MORE

House Approves Fey Legislation to Help Homeless Students

OLYMPIA – Legislation sponsored by Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) to help combat student homelessness by providing additional resources to schools and communities was approved by the House today with a... READ MORE

Fey’s State Trooper Bill Advances to the Senate

OLYMPIA—Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma)’s bipartisan bill (SHB 1638) to make being a state trooper a more attractive career choice was heard on the House floor today and passed with a... READ MORE

27th LD Update: Transportation Bills are in Motion + Save the Date for an In-Person Town Hall

Dear friends and neighbors, In Olympia, we are getting closer and closer to floor action in the House. Debates on bills on the House floor start on Monday, Feb. 27,... READ MORE

Fey on HB 1638: An Incentive Program to Make Being a State Trooper a More Attractive Career Choice

OLYMPIA—Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) has introduced HB 1638, which will focus on the recruitment for the Washington State Patrol (WSP). The bill is an incentive program to make being a... READ MORE

27th LD Update: Attracting and Hiring More Washington State Troopers & More

Dear friends and neighbors, A couple weeks ago, I told you about the bicameral traffic safety press conference I attended. That event addressed several House and Senate bills regarding driver... READ MORE

27th LD Update: Today’s Bicameral Traffic Safety Press Conference + Looking at New Airport Sites

Dear friends and neighbors, I had the honor of speaking at a bicameral traffic safety press conference this afternoon, where Gov. Jay Inslee was in attendance. Like other states in... READ MORE

27th District Legislative Update: The Work on Implementing Move Ahead Washington Begins

Dear friends and neighbors, We are back in person in Olympia for the 2023 Legislative Session and I am excited to get to work! During the 2022 Legislative Session I... READ MORE

27th District End-of-Session Newsletter

Click here to read the full newsletter.

You’re invited! We hope to see you at the virtual town hall on April 27

Dear neighbors, Please mark your calendars on Wednesday, April 27 for a virtual town hall! The event will run from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. and everyone is welcome to... READ MORE

House passes historic Move Ahead Washington transportation package

Olympia – On Tuesday, the Washington State House of Representatives passed Move Ahead WA, a transportation package that invests in a sustainable, inclusive future for Washington’s transportation sector. The 16-year,... READ MORE

Op-ed to the Tacoma News Tribune on Move Ahead Washington

Read the op-ed below or at this link. Our blueprint for a more prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive future—the future we deserve—begins with what we build today. Each of us has a... READ MORE

House Democrats announce removal of export fuel tax from 16-year package, Move Ahead Washington

OLYMPIA — Today, House Transportation Chair Rep. Jake Fey, D-Tacoma, proposed an amendment that would remove the export fuel tax from Move Ahead Washington, the $16-billion Democratic transportation package.  The... READ MORE

Op-ed to the Seattle Times on Move Ahead Washington

Read the op-ed below or at this link. Washington is on the horizon of a new day in transportation — one that pledges a brighter future for our environment and... READ MORE

Move Ahead Washington

Move Ahead WA is a transformational 16-year package that creates a sustainable, achievable future for our transportation sector. House Democrats hosted over 90 listening sessions to hear the top transportation priorities... READ MORE

Senate and House Transportation chairs introduce 16-year “Move Ahead Washington” funding proposal

OLYMPIA – On Tuesday, Senate and House Transportation Committee Chairs Sen. Marko Liias, D – Everett, and Rep. Jake Fey, D – Tacoma, unveiled Senate Bills 5974 and 5975 and... READ MORE

Introducing Move Ahead WA, a transportation package for a new day in Washington

Dear neighbors,  With Sen. Marko Liias, chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, I am proud to unveil Move Ahead Washington (House Bills 2118 and 2119), our transportation package that creates a brighter future for our environment and... READ MORE

Moving forward on transportation in 2022

Dear neighbors, This is an update about the challenges we’re tackling on transportation this year. I’ll try to keep you informed as the 2022 session of the Legislature progresses and... READ MORE

What the federal infrastructure law means for transportation in Washington state

Dear neighbors, The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will provide a historic investment in the nation’s infrastructure. That includes funding for roads, bridges, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, transit, rail, airports,... READ MORE

Investing in mass transit is smart policy and smart economics

We all rely on the state’s transportation network to get where we need to go–and to get goods to market. This week, I want to talk about mass transit. I’ve... READ MORE

Statement from Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) on the resignation of Sen. Jeannie Darneille

“I have had the pleasure of serving as Sen. Jeannie Darneille’s seatmate since I became a representative nearly nine years ago. As a new legislator, she supported me with grace... READ MORE

An Update on Changes to Insurance Rates

The Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC) recently issued an emergency rule preventing credit scores from being used to determine insurance premiums. This might mean a change in your insurance rates,... READ MORE

A chat in the park

We had the pleasure of a good conversation at Stewart Park during the last park chat on Saturday, July 17. Among the issues discussed by people attending: transportation and traffic... READ MORE

Major victories on transportation and the environment–along with a new law banning private prisons

Dear neighbors, This was an unusual year–the first remote session in state history–in challenging times. I’m happy to report that it was also quite productive, and I’d like to tell... READ MORE

TTH banner with all three member photos
MEDIA ADVISORY: 27th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall on May 4

WHAT: 27th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall with Speaker Laurie Jinkins, Rep. Jake Fey, and Sen. Jeannie Darneille WHEN: Tuesday, May 4 at 6:00 pm WHY: For 27th Legislative District... READ MORE

Fey: Transportation budget invests in equity and sustainability

OLYMPIA—The new $11.8 billion transportation budget will continue to fund major work that was under threat last year because of financial pressures from the covid pandemic and an initiative that caused... READ MORE

House passes transportation budget that builds for a more sustainable and equitable future

OLYMPIA—On Friday, April 2, the House of Representatives passed a new two-year transportation budget in an 87 to 11 vote.  “This transportation budget will create jobs throughout the state,” said House Transportation Chair Jake Fey (D-Tacoma). “We... READ MORE

Listening and leading on transportation

Dear neighbors, The end of the 2021 session is scheduled for April 26, so we are in the home stretch and legislation is moving fast. Both the House and Senate... READ MORE

Two-year transportation budget proposal saved by federal stimulus funding

OLYMPIA—“Last year, transportation was in a terrible fiscal position due to revenue losses from the COVID pandemic, the pending I-976 case, and the need to fund fish passages,” said House... READ MORE

Help for working families, updates on my legislation, banning private prisons, and restoring voting rights

Dear neighbors,  We are about two-thirds of the way through the 2021 session and there is a lot of news to report.  The House is now considering 200 bills passed... READ MORE

27th District Virtual Town Hall: Wednesday, March 10 from 5:30-6:30 pm

Friends and neighbors, Next Wednesday, March 10 from 5:30-6:30 pm, I’m going live with Speaker Laurie Jinkins and Sen. Jeannie Darneille for a virtual town hall. Join us to hear about... READ MORE

What’s happening with legislation and the House transportation proposal

Dear neighbors,  Things are moving fast here in the House of Representatives, so I wanted to give you an update about what I’m working on. This e-newsletter includes quick notes... READ MORE

House Democrats unveil $26 billion transportation package 

OLYMPIA—Democratic lawmakers held nearly 90 listening sessions across the state about transportation needs before developing a proposal that would invest $26 billion in transportation over the next 16 years.  “Our... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: Press conference on House transportation package at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 19

WHO: Transportation Chair Jake Fey and members of the House Transportation Committee WHAT: Press conference on a proposed House transportation package WHEN: Noon on Tuesday, Jan. 19 WHERE: This is... READ MORE

Our final update for now, and resources going forward

Dear friends and neighbors, By staying home and practicing social distancing, we slowed the spread of COVID-19 in our state. Last week, the governor announced a four-phased approach to reopening.... READ MORE

man standing up in small boat in middle of lake fishing; lake surrounded by evergreens
More steps forward in reopening our state

Dear friends and neighbors, Thank you to everyone who participated in our telephone town hall. It was so nice to hear your voices and to have a dialogue about how to... READ MORE

Two yellow post it notes on glass door that say Sorry We are closed and "Covid 19"
Safely reopening our economy

Dear friends and neighbors, On Tuesday evening, several thousand of you joined us for a telephone town hall – thank you! Washington State Secretary of Health John Wiesman and Tacoma-Pierce... READ MORE

African American elderly couple on couch video chatting with granddaughter.
Legislative update–and a personal invitation to our telephone town hall next week

Dear friends and neighbors, Thank you for staying home and staying healthy during this pandemic. We know many of you have questions about what’s happening, and what’s next when it... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: Jinkins and Fey hosting telephone town hall for constituents during “Stay Home, Stay Healthy”

WHO: Speaker Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma) and Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) of the 27th Legislative District, which covers most of the city of Tacoma as well as Ruston, Browns Point and Dash Point. Washington State Secretary... READ MORE

Help is on the way

Dear friends and neighbors, Before the end of the 2020 session, the COVID-19 pandemic was just hitting Washington state. We voted to spend $200 million to fight the virus. But... READ MORE

Fey: Moving forward on transportation during challenging times 

Governor signs new state transportation budget, House Bill 2322 by Rep. Jake Fey  OLYMPIA—During the 2020 session, the biggest challenge to budget writers in the House and Senate was finding... READ MORE

Red heart on chalkboard with "Look out for each other! With distance!" written over it
Unity and resiliency: Protecting our community from COVID-19

Dear friends and neighbors, Last month, Gov. Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Washington. Since then, he has implemented a series of... READ MORE

Senate, House announce transportation budget that addresses I-976 funding crisis, restarts stuck projects 

The Senate and House on Wednesday announced agreement on the 2020 supplemental transportation budget. Normally a document used to make minor tweaks and updates to the statewide transportation needs, this version of the supplemental... READ MORE

COVID-19/Coronavirus Update – Pierce County

Dear friends and neighbors, We want to help pass along the information that Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has shared with the public regarding COVID-19 or Coronavirus. First, the response to... READ MORE

Transportation budget protects vulnerable, restarts paused projects

OLYMPIA—The budget proposed by House Transportation Committee Chair Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) addresses the $453 million shortfall in revenue caused by the passage of Initiative 976. “We are committed to... READ MORE

Legislative update: Transportation, other big issues–and the first female Speaker of the House!

We’ve begun the 2020 legislative session and are already working on major issues. Here’s a quick look at some of the biggest challenges I’m taking on this year. Transportation The... READ MORE

Statement by House Transportation Chair Jake Fey on the governor’s transportation budget proposal

How do we cut $454 million in transportation spending without harming vital services? That’s the question Gov. Inslee’s transportation proposal tries to answer in the aftermath of Initiative 976. I appreciate... READ MORE

Cuts and delays due to Initiative 976

The passage of Initiative 976, regarding car tabs, means some of these projects and services in the state’s transportation budget will be cut. How big are the cuts? We know... READ MORE

Legislative update: Better public schools and making college affordable for everyone

Our public schools, colleges and universities are a key reason why Washington state has the best economy in the nation today. This session, we made important investments in education along... READ MORE

Legislative update: Affordable housing and protecting renters

Housing is a fundamental, kitchen-table issue that affects all of our families. The rapid changes in our housing market are also causing ripple effects throughout Tacoma, Pierce County and the... READ MORE

Legislative update: Clean energy, a cleaner environment – and hearing directly from you

Dear neighbors, Those of us who care about protecting the environment have many reasons to be happy about the 2019 legislative session. This was the most productive session in decades... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: 27th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall on July 2

MEDIA ADVISORY: 27th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall on July 2 WHO: Sen. Jeannie Darneille, Rep. Laurie Jinkins and Rep. Jake Fey (all D-Tacoma) WHAT: One-hour telephone town hall WHEN: Tuesday, July 2... READ MORE

E-news update from Rep. Jake Fey: major progress on transportation and a state budget that puts people first

I’m happy to report that the 2019 session finished on time, with major progress on transportation, mental health, higher education, housing and the environment. This week, I’d like to tell... READ MORE

ferry, transportation, water
Fey: 2019 session marked by significant progress on transportation

OLYMPIA–The 2019 session finished on time with a new transportation budget (House Bill 1160) along with other key reforms to modernize and improve the state’s transportation system. “I was proud... READ MORE

Fey unveils $9.9 billion House transportation budget

Proposal adapts to growing population and changing technology OLYMPIA—The House of Representatives released its Transportation Budget proposal for 2019-20, a nearly $10 billion budget that invests in new ferries, a... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: 27th Legislative District town hall meeting on March 23

Who: Reps. Laurie Jinkins and Jake Fey, and Sen. Jeannie Darneille When: Saturday, March 23, 10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Where: Eastside Community Center, 1721 E 56th St, Tacoma Why: The... READ MORE

E-news update from Rep. Jake Fey: Major legislation passes the House, town hall meeting this Saturday

Major legislation I wrote that passed the House The House passed five bills that I wrote so far this year. Here’s the rundown on two large pieces of legislation along... READ MORE

E-news update from Rep. Jake Fey: Legislation that’s important to the 27th District

What’s happening in the House of Representatives We are about one-third of the way through the 105-day legislative session for 2019, and I’m proud of the work we’re doing on... READ MORE

Fey introduces bold Green Transportation package

OLYMPIA—How can Washington state lead the way when it comes to new technology and ideas for a cleaner, more sustainable transportation system? That vision is the focus of House Bill... READ MORE

E-news update from Rep. Jake Fey: delivery robots, use of deadly force and tobacco addiction

A better, cleaner and cheaper way to get deliveries Today, even a small package that’s delivered to your home probably arrives in a large, diesel-powered truck. Pizza and groceries might... READ MORE

Rep. Fey, new chair of Transportation, says solutions will require creativity and cooperation

OLYMPIA—How will our highways, ferries, trains and buses handle the skyrocketing population and economic growth of Washington state? That’s the issue facing Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma), the newly elected chair... READ MORE

Legislative update on transportation

A better transportation system for all of us Thank you for the privilege of serving as your representative. It’s an honor. A big part of my job is listening to... READ MORE

Legislative update on protecting our environment

Protecting our environment It can take years to develop and pass major reforms. That’s true when it comes to protecting our environment—but I believe those efforts are worth it, because... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: Town hall meeting with 27th Legislative District lawmakers

  Who: Rep. Laurie Jinkins, Rep. Jake Fey, and Sen. Jeannie Darneille, the legislators from the 27th Legislative District representing part of Pierce County, including Tacoma, Ruston, Browns Point and... READ MORE

Tacoma legislators commend Point Ruston resolution

OLYMPIA – Three Tacoma legislators are commending the resolution of the years-long Point Ruston development dispute following the approval of an interlocal agreement forged between the cities of Tacoma and... READ MORE

Video Update from Rep. Fey – Halfway there!

Dear Friends & Nieghbors, We are halfway through this year’s short legislative session. While many bills will not make it past the important cutoff points, several of my priority pieces... READ MORE

Media Advisory: 27th Legislative District town hall meeting on March 11

Who: State Sen. Jeannie Darneille, State Reps. Laurie Jinkins and Jake Fey What: Legislative Town Hall Meeting When: Saturday, March 11, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Where: The Evergreen State... READ MORE

Legislative Update from Rep. Jake Fey on education and homeless youth

Urgent action needed on school funding! The House of Representatives voted on its first bill of the 2017 Legislative session today – HB 1059. You may have heard this referred... READ MORE

House Passes Compromise Supplemental Transportation Budget

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 House Passes Compromise Supplemental Transportation Budget New investments in maintenance, I-405, and State Patrol officers OLYMPIA – With a bipartisan 86-10 vote, the House of Representatives... READ MORE

Senate Approves Rep. Fey Legislation to Help Homeless Students

Friday, March 4, 2016 Senate Approves Rep. Fey Legislation to Help Homeless Students OLYMPIA – Legislation sponsored by Representative Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) to help combat student homelessness by providing additional... READ MORE

House Approves Rep. Fey’s State Patrol Bill

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 House Approves Rep. Fey’s State Patrol Bill Strong bipartisan support for officer recruitment and retention OLYMPIA – With a 85-12 vote, the House of Representatives passed... READ MORE

Video Update from Rep. Fey: More than Halfway through Session!

Dear Friends, We are more than halfway through this year’s short legislative session. While many bills did not make it past the important cutoff points, several of my priority pieces... READ MORE

House Unveils Supplemental Transportation Budget

House Democrats have released their $8.6 billion 2016 supplemental transportation budget, which makes several adjustments and new investments in Washington’s transportation system. “This budget will help provide congestion relief and... READ MORE

27th LD Lawmakers urge thorough examination of Tacoma methanol plant

Sen. Jeannie Darneille, Rep. Laurie Jinkins, and Rep. Jake Fey have asked the City of Tacoma to broaden the scope of its environmental review process for Northwest Innovation Works’ proposed... READ MORE

House Passes Rep. Fey Bill to Help Homeless Students

In a bipartisan 68-28 vote, the House of Representatives approved legislation by Representative Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) to help equip schools and communities with the tools they need to combat youth... READ MORE

Video Update from Rep. Fey: Washington State Patrol

Dear Friends, The 2016 Legislative Session is halfway over! While I continue to work on big issues such as education and transportation, I want to share an update about another... READ MORE

Video Update from Rep. Fey: Education & Homelessness

There are some big issues in the legislature this session, but none so important as education. Click the video below to learn more about what I’m working on in Olympia,... READ MORE

Legislation to Help Homeless Students Heard in the House

The House Appropriations Committee heard legislation from Representative Jake Fey (D-Tacoma) to help equip schools and students with the tools they need to combat youth homelessness. The hearing was packed... READ MORE

27th District End of Session Newsletter

In this newsletter: Welcome Letter A Budget for Washington Prioritizing Our Students: Early Learning to Higher Education Updates to Mental Health Policy and Funding Investing in Transportation Building a Better... READ MORE

Legislative Update from Rep. Fey – Special Session

Keeping our Promises in Transportation Much of the focus during special session has been on the difficult negotiations over the operating budget. However, I have good news to report on... READ MORE

House Passes Biennial Transportation Budget

With a bipartisan 74-20 vote, the House of Representatives passed a 2015-17 transportation budget that has been agreed to by the Senate. The maintenance level budget continues the work already... READ MORE

Rep. Fey Video Update 4-23-15

Please take a few minutes to watch my latest video update, where I discuss the House transportation revenue package and how it will benefit the South Puget Sound region.

House Releases Updated Transportation Revenue Package

House Democrats have released a new plan for transportation revenue and investment, making a handful of changes to the proposal they passed two years ago and setting up a new... READ MORE

Legislative Update from Rep. Fey – Comparing Budgets

With budget negotiations set to begin, I want to share with you the reasons why I think our approach in the House of Representatives is better for the 27th District... READ MORE

House Passes Maintenance Transportation Budget

With a bipartisan 78-19 vote, the House of Representatives passed a no new taxes transportation budget that continues the work already in progress on projects across the state. “This budget... READ MORE

Legislative Update from Rep. Fey – Budget Week

After years of budget cuts and tough economic times, I am very pleased to be able to support the budget proposed by the House Democrats today which aligns with our... READ MORE

Legislative Update from Rep. Fey

Closing the Opportunity Gap The state is under both a self-imposed and court mandate to fully fund basic education. My colleagues and I are making significant progress on that front.... READ MORE

Rep. Fey Video Update: 3-19-15

Please take a few minutes to watch my latest video update, where I  discuss the important transportation bills and budget priorities being debated in Olympia.

Legislative Update from Rep. Fey

Surplus or deficit: Which is it? Although the state operating budget is nearly 500 pages long, it’s not a very complex document. We make future spending decisions based on the... READ MORE

Rep. Fey Video Update: 2-25-15

Legislative Update Please take a few minutes to watch my latest video update, where I  discusses important deadlines, legislative batting averages, and helping homeless youth.

Legislative Update from Rep. Fey

Helping our Homeless Youth This session I am working on legislation that will address a growing problem in Tacoma and across our state: how to better serve young homeless children.... READ MORE

Listen to the 27th District Telephone Town Hall

On February 5th, Reps Jinkins & Fey along with Sen. Jeannie Darnielle hosted a telephone town hall. Under the format, thousands of constituents received phone calls and were invited to... READ MORE

Legislative Update from Representative Fey

Video Update Interested in a quick summary of  the big issues we’re working on this session? Click the video below to learn more. First bills of the session In true... READ MORE

Strong Support for Mass Transit Expansion in House Hearing

Legislation to expand regional transit service in the Puget Sound received positive support from local elected officials and members of the community at a hearing of the House Transportation Committee... READ MORE

ADVISORY: Work Session and Hearing on Sound Transit 3 Legislation

January 28, 2015 MEDIA ADVISORY Who: State Representative Jake Fey (D-Tacoma); Sound Transit Chair Dow Constantine (King County Executive); Sound Transit Vice Chair Marilyn Strickland (Tacoma Mayor); Sound Transit Vice... READ MORE

Legislative Update: Week 1

The State Budget Every two years the Legislature writes the state operating budget. This budget pays for day-to-day expenses like teacher salaries, health care for low-income families, and prisons. You... READ MORE

Election-year restrictions are in effect

Thank you for visiting my website. As you may know, this is an election year and we are required to follow legislative ethics rules to ensure state resources are not... READ MORE

Legislative Update – 2/20/2014

Tuesday marked the House of Origin cut-off, which means that bills originating in the Senate must be passed to the House and vice versa. Otherwise they are dead for this... READ MORE

Reps. Jinkins and Fey Hosting February 22nd Town Hall

27th District Legislators Senator Jeannie Darneille, Representative Laurie Jinkins and Representative Jake Fey will give a mid-legislative session update and answer questions from constituents on issues important to them. Here... READ MORE

Legislative Update

Our busy third week of session ended on a particularly high note – we recognized the men and women of Washington’s National Guard in both the House and Senate Friday.... READ MORE

Legislative Update – 1/21/2014

Priorities for 2014 The New Year brought with it new committee assignments, and I am excited to get to work. In addition to the House Transportation Committee and House Environment... READ MORE

Town hall, veterans, and health insurance

Joint Town Hall: Filled to Capacity Over the weekend, Sen. Jeannie Darneille, Rep. Laurie Jinkins, and I hosted a joint town hall meeting at Jason Lee Middle School. The local... READ MORE

27th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall

Sen. Jeannie Darneille, Rep. Laurie Jinkins & Rep. Jake Fey Request the honor of your attendance  Please join us Wednesday night, April 10, for a telephone-conversation on issues we’re tackling... READ MORE

Budget and Health Care: Legislative Update

Thursday, Governor Inslee released his proposal for the 2013-15 operating budget. We expect that the Senate will follow with their own plan early next week, and the House will roll... READ MORE

Session update: In to April — and well on to sine die

We’re down to the final four weeks (“April madness,” if you will) in the 2013 legislative session. The light at the end of the tunnel is the midnight, April 28,... READ MORE

Fey to help lead transportation planning on key steering committee

Changes are looming in Washington’s transportation system, including the ways Washingtonians pay the tab for it. A Tacoma lawmaker is joining a crucial panel charged with keeping a close eye... READ MORE

Town hall update, I-1053 ruling & sequestration

27th Legislative District Delegation Town Hall Please make sure to save the date for a joint town hall hosted by Senator Jeannie Darneille, Representative Laurie Jinkins, and myself. We’ll be... READ MORE

27th District Town Hall

Please join your 27th Legislative District Delegation   Senator Jeannie Darneille Representative Laurie Jinkins Representative Jake Fey   for the 2013 Town Hall Meeting   get an update on the... READ MORE

Statement by Rep. Jake Fey on the Connecting Washington 2013 transportation package

The “Connecting Washington” transportation package, advanced by transportation leaders in the House Democratic Caucus, was rolled out today (Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013). The package would fund nearly $10 billion in... READ MORE

Rep. Clibborn, Supporters Unveil Transportation Package

Transportation Committee Chair Judy Clibborn (D-Mercer Island) and members of the committee rolled out the details of the Connecting Washington transportation package, which would fund nearly $10 billion in transportation... READ MORE

Rep. Jake Fey joins governor and mayor in “Rededication” of Murray Morgan Bridge

State Rep. Jake Fey joined Gov. Jay Inslee, former State Rep. Dennis Flannigan, Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland and several other local and federal officials in a “Rededication Ceremony” for Tacoma’s... READ MORE

Let’s Get To Work!

Dear friends, Greetings from Olympia! I’m extremely honored to help represent our 27th Legislative District in the state capital. Last Tuesday, I had the privilege of being sworn in next... READ MORE

Class of 2013

House Democrats are pleased to welcome nine new members – and one familiar face – to the caucus. Below are excerpts from each of their biographies. Click on the links... READ MORE