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  • Protecting Family & Community Health | February 4, 2022

    Dear friends and neighbors, As hard as it is to believe, we’ve already reached the first major legislative cutoff of the 2022 session! With over 2,000 bills introduced in the… READ MORE

  • House Passes Clean Fuel Standard | February 27, 2021

    OLYMPIA – Washington is one step closer to joining its west coast neighbors in establishing a clean fuel standard. House Bill 1091, sponsored by Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (D-West Seattle) directs… READ MORE

  • Legislative Update: Coronavirus | March 12, 2020

    Friends and neighbors in the 34th legislative district,   The 2020 legislative session has come to a close! Please keep an eye on your mailboxes for a paper newsletter from each of… READ MORE

  • Legislative Update: Coronavirus | March 3, 2020

    Dear neighbors, Washington state is experiencing an increase in cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and it is anticipated that the virus will continue to spread. There have been several deaths…. READ MORE

  • Looking ahead: Environmental bills in 2020 | November 13, 2019

    In the 2019 session, some key environmental policies were enacted and critical investments made to act on climate, promote clean energy, and protect orcas and marine life. We’ve celebrated those… READ MORE

  • Legislative Update: First in the nation | July 29, 2019

    Dear friends & neighbors, We had an incredibly successful legislative session, creating landmark legislation that puts people first. Washington has long been an incubator for progressive policy ideas, and we have… READ MORE

  • House approves clean fuels bill | March 12, 2019

    OLYMPIA – A measure addressing the state’s biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions by establishing a Clean Fuels Program similar to those already successfully underway in British Columbia, California, and… READ MORE

  • Legislative Update from Eileen and Joe | March 31, 2017

    House Budget fully funds education and social services This week, the House Democrats released our budget for the 2017-2019 biennium, putting Washington families first. People across the state have asked… READ MORE

  • Returning to Olympia | January 21, 2016

    Returning to Olympia and MLK Day at the Capitol We’re back in Olympia for a short session, scheduled to last until March 10 this year. With only 60 days this… READ MORE

  • The Cost of a College Degree | February 26, 2015

    You may have heard stories from your grandparents about how they used to walk 15 miles in the snow—uphill both ways—to get to school. (Eileen remembers these long treks herself!)… READ MORE

  • Funding our kids first | February 25, 2015

    Why we must fund KIDS first   Last week we told you about a little boy named Theo who will grow up in a world shaped by climate change. This… READ MORE

  • How much will your next ER visit cost | February 10, 2015

    Are you confident you’re paying a fair price for your health care?Probably not. Think about the last time you went to the emergency room. What was going through your head?… READ MORE

  • Joe Fitzgibbon – Talking Transit | June 30, 2014

    What would the 34th district look like if bus service suddenly vanished? Take a minute to imagine what changes our community would undergo. Seniors would no longer be able to… READ MORE

  • Greetings from the 34th District | March 20, 2014

    That’s right, the legislative session has ended on time and we’re thrilled to get back to our “normal” lives in the 34th District. While we’ll continue to meet with you… READ MORE

  • Prioritizing mental health | February 20, 2014

    We are devoting this week’s newsletter to one of Eileen’s priority bills for the 2014 session. House Bill 2725 will make it easier for individuals with severe mental illness to… READ MORE